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Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)

Hours: 3

Participants will receive instruction about how to prepare for and respond to being trapped inside a building during an active shooter event. On average it will take law enforcement at least three minutes from the time they are notified before officers first arrive on scene and move to isolate, distract, and/or neutralize the shooter(s). Terminal Learning Objective: At the completion of the course, participants will identify the role they should play as a civilian before, during, and after an active shooter event. Enabling Objectives Participants will be able to complete the following: 1) Identify and discuss the phases of Disaster Response Psychology and how to limit their impact on potential victims. 2) Define and identify the typical and atypical active shooter events. 3) Explain each of the civilian response protocols as they relate to an active shooter event. 4) Review active shooter policies used in schools and the workplace.

Date Time Location Presenter
03/28/20199:00am-12:00pmRRC Accelerator 8202William J McCauley 

04/23/20191:00pm-4:00pmEVC 8110William J McCauley 

05/15/20199:00am-12:00pmNRG 3140William J McCauley 

06/13/20191:00pm-4:00pmSAC 1130William J McCauley 

07/18/20199:00am-12:00pmHLC 2402Estevan C Franco 


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