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SDD18: The S.I.N. of Dual Credit: Success, Innovation, and Noted perceptions

Hours: 1.3

Dual credit and Early College High School programs are a major topic in Texas, with both its supporters and critics. This session seeks to provide attendees with information on how ACC’s College and High School Relations office has re-imagined high school programs by engaging internal and external stakeholders, increasing use of enrollment and student success data, and reorganizing to increase access, student support, and completion.

Attendees will walk away from the session understanding the impact of ACC’s dual credit programs. Additionally, each College member can identify methods in which they can be active collaborators in developing a best practice model for colleges across the state and country.

Dr. Shasta Buchanan currently serves as the Executive Director of College and High School Relations at ACC. She has almost 20 years of higher education experience, spanning across two community colleges and four major university systems in Texas and Oregon. Her success and commitment to student access, enrollment, and completion earned her a Noel Levitz Retention Excellence Award and recognition by the Department of Education/Office of Civil Rights.

Date Time Location Presenter
01/12/201810:30am-12:00pmHLC 2217Shasta Buchanan 


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