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TLED: FacultyEnlight® Textbook Adoption (Ordering) Training for Instructional Departments

Hours: 4

This training is intended for Department Chairs and Administrative Support Staff

Per new Administrative Rule 4.01.006, course materials orders will occur via FacultyEnlight, an online textbook/course materials adoption system developed by Barnes & Noble Education. This workshop will provide an overview of FacultyEnlight and how to utilize it for researching, adopting (ordering), and sharing insights about textbooks and course materials.

Following the overview, designated department point persons who will oversee and approve orders will receive training on FacultyEnlight’s approval process, troubleshooting, and creating order reports. Participants will have an opportunity to set up their FacultyEnlight account and begin entering spring 2018 orders; therefore, having access to your departmental approved textbook inventory will be required.

This workshop is presented by Textbook Manager Amy Hankey. Amy started her career 11 years ago with Barnes & Noble as a student employee. After completing her BA in English, she became a full-time Supervisor training in all aspects of customer service and Bookstore operations. Amy is the Textbook Manager for all the B&N ACC Bookstores where she supervises & trains Store Managers with all aspects of the textbook cycle. She is also the liaison for ACC Deans, Department Chairs, Administrative Assistants, and Faculty regarding textbook orders and FacultyEnlight. This past year Amy was appointed as Region 502 Textbook Mentor, assisting other Barnes & Noble stores with technical questions and oversight of company standards and programs related to the textbook process & FacultyEnlight.

Date Time Location Presenter
10/27/20179:00am-11:00amRVS RVSG-9103Georgia L. Branch 


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