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Successful Communication for Successful Teams

Hours: 1

This workshop is perfect for any individual that works in a team environment and wants to improve communication among coworkers. Participants will identify the key communication roles necessary for a team to function properly, including task roles and social roles. Barriers to fluid communication will also be examined including dysfunctional communication roles. Attendees will learn the communication formula for getting a group to thrive and experience synergy. Overall, participants will leave the workshop with a new insight into their own communication skills and the ability to propel their team forward. Skills learned are applicable to attendees' personal and professional lives!

Date Time Location Presenter
10/10/201812:00pm-1:00pmNRG NRG 4220Theresa E Glenn 

10/10/201812:00pm-1:00pmRRC RRC 1123Kelly A Stockstad 

Enrollment full10/10/201812:00pm-1:00pmHBC HBC 301.2Michelle A Redepenning 

10/10/201812:00pm-1:00pmSVC SVC 133Gretchen A. Harries 


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