Andrew Christie, Steven Hassel, Rosario Juarez, Glynis Miller, Dianne Olla, Angela Oubda, Linda Terry
Guests Present
Erica Ervin
Item # 1:
Review of April 2016 CORE Minutes
April 2016 minutes approved. {ao, lk}
Item # 2:
Course Section Titles
There are approximately 875 COURSE.SECTIONS records (out of a total of approximately 290,000) with data length errors occurring with the SEC.SHORT.TITLE field. This is having a negative impact on one of the utilities used to monitor Self-Service performance.
The Committee will be presented with a list of sections that have short titles greater than 30 characters in length, and then make a recommendation on what to do about it. (The list was distributed, via email attachment, on Fri., June 10, 2016.)
Item # 3:
Zip Codes
The National Student Clearinghouse requirement that zip codes be sent in numeric format (forbidding spaces and dashes) was handled by a customized programming change in the National Student Clearinghouse job stream.
The Registrar's office is requesting a QAS Batch version of student zip code data for research purposes.
Item # 4:
Block Scheduling
ACC is meeting the state mandate on this. Institutional Support Services has set up the blocked course sections as co-requisites with each other. All of the course sections are in Workforce.
Item # 5:
Guided Pathways Setup
The customized setup for Guided Pathways in Colleague has been completed. Both the student admissions application and test scheduling reservation enhancements have been completed.
Item # 6:
Colleague Software Updates & Colleague Test Cloning
In order to adequately provide departments and IT with the time needed for testing new Colleague software updates, including new Self-Service functionality, the CORE Committee voiced the insistence that at least 4 weeks be granted for testing. The most recent batch of Colleague software updates included one update that featured a radical change in Payroll processes. IT was called upon to reverse-engineer the change in order to meet one of the payrolls.
The next date for cloning Colleague Test is likely to be on Sunday, July 17, 2016.
The next date for the installation of Colleague software updates into Colleague Live is likely to be Friday, August 12, 2016.
Item # 7:
ODS Transition to SQL Server 2012
The liveODS database was successfully converted from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2012.
liveODS on SQL Server 2005 is still being populated nightly, but only for those 65 tables that are used by ACC web applications. As soon as the web applications are fully converted to SQL Server 2012, liveODS on SQL Server 2005 will be shut down.
There will be changes, in the future, to our ODS setup as ACC works with Ellucian to create the ODS Universes as part of Colleague Reporting and Operational Analytics.
Item # 8:
Miscellaneous - Other CORE Issues
The VP of Instruction will be asked to get clarification from the Texas Coordinating Board regarding the CIP 30, Interdisciplinary Studies.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)