Tracie said Jay, Larry and herself want the class to be a capstone class. so students can take it
Make sure they have more advanced preparations in tax. More advanced entities. Justin from Gleim. Gleim is the selected provider to prepare students for EA exam. Justin sent the materials to Tracie for what they're doing for their enrolled agent course. The review course materials digital product is free. If they want the print version or access to the videos, there's an upgrade price that comes along with that purchase. A couple of schools are doing something similar. Will follow up with the faculty members doing this. Will prepare students for CPA exam too. It probably won't be available every semester due to enrollment.
Dr. Peoples wanted to know if the credit for that course would be able to go towards the CPA exam. He sees two problems with CPA exam. 1: We don't have an internship acceptable for the state board of accountancy; 2: Preparation course. Dr. Peoples believes it may not be approved by the state board. We can offer it for the specialist, as long as it's not an internship. The guidelines for internship programs are very stringent. Jay suggests we see what other universities and community colleges to see what they're offering in tax courses. We need to fit into the 60 credit hours we already have.
Mr. Voss said we already have an internship in specialist. If we're going to a tax specialist, then they would have to take 1323 and not do the internship.
Action: We will find a way for the board to accept it
Item # 2:
Adjunct faculty committee
Jay Thibodeaux and Tracie Nobles
Jay started by having the faculty review boards. Jay wants the portfolios to be scanned and put in google drive. New committee please send us your faculty input forms. Dr.Peoples said that he will forward them to everyone. Dr.Peoples said we need to worry about the evaluations because adjuncts haven't performed as well as we'd like. Constantly hiring adjuncts. People want to put the evaluation online. Dr.Peoples will get back to us on the evaluations.
Tracie suggested La Tasha/Joel scan them and upload them.
La Tasha is concerned about size.
Item # 3:
Bus admin degree, PA, AS
Cynthia Lovick
Teachers were being required to add a student learning effectiveness course into our degree plans. BA and AS plans, we added the extra course in place of an open elective (Speech). Now it is a restrictive elective. Students with less than 12 hours of successful college credit need to take the course. 12 or more successful hours will take speech elective. Dr.Peoples says the There are 4, 2 and 1 hour courses, we could have added any of them. We decided, for ease, since speech isn't required anymore, we chose a 3 hour course. It's under education (1300) if they have less than 12 hours when they're coming into the school. If they have more, they can take something else within the curriculum.
Management is saying why are you calling it BA when a student can't even take one management course. Because the student. Math, business statistics. Just approved by the curriculum committee last Friday. going into the fall schedule. We're not sure who will teach the class. But we will offer it in the fall 2015.
Item # 4:
CPA Pass rates
Dr. Reed Peoples
CPA Pass rates
Item # 5:
Advising for AS and PAC
Dr. Reed Peoples
Student can get both if they transfer their individual credits to acc and we can get them both. We improved for a good while, the school is excited about this. In your advising please tell students to apply for the AS and PAC.
Any concerns about Advising?
For 1331 we need a list of people approved (C or better) to go on to 1347.
Dr.Peoples will only approve students who came from a different school with individual tax
La Tasha says she likes larry's way. He'll put the list together before drop date and scratches people off if the situation changes.
Questions/concerns about advising? Larry: They overload themselves. If a student is an international student, they MUST take 12 hours. Dr. Peoples give the student a plan, their schedule doesn't match to the plan.
Dr.Peoples' core classes: 1371, 2303, 2333, 2332, 2376, 2304, 1331, 1347, 1393 or 1375, 2330. When a student comes and says we need 63 credit hours. He assigns business law, finance, econ 1 &2, Bus Comm, 1371. 18 hours assigned in business. 6 mores hours in accounting. He doesn't normally give students bus statistics. if we think it needs to change, it will change. 1372 is the last thing he recommends for students.
Offtopic: Tracy wants to know about 1393, will jay do it? Yes.
Tracy: If the student hasn't taken statistics anywhere, then bus statistics can be a good one to take.
Action: NO statistics? Take business statistics.
Item # 6:
Budget Requests
Dr. Reed Peoples
More money for travel. When he was dean, they had 15 thousand. 10k now. We don't have a lot. int bus takes up 2k of that every year. Their program has 8 students. Trying to stretch it. Dr. Peoples
Cynthia was looking to get a subscription to (something ) online. wanted to know if any other classes can use it. Larry could integrate it. 7 classes total will use it. (150 students)
6 new laptops coming in. 4 used as replacements. Wants to get the surface. Please turn in the toshibas so we can replace them.
Tracie: Did the library decide to continue the Hoovers subscription? They did.
Item # 7:
Summer schedule
Dr. Reed Peoples
1371 and 1325will be available.
Item # 8:
Fall Schedule / Rio Grande move
Dr. Reed Peoples
Try to start transferring as many classes from rio grande to HLC, RGC will run out of room.
Larry said Mike Midgley about the plan for RGC. They will close the campus, fall '16 to fall '18. They're going to leave blg 3000 open. Everyone has applied for (them). Dr.Peoples will see about it at the next Dean's meeting. They're working on deciding who's moving and who isn't. If you want a class at HLC, APPLY. need two classrooms at night (Larry and Cynthia)
Action: APPLY TO MOVE TO HLC. More info to come week of 4/6.
Item # 9:
Update on Hiring Process
Dr. Reed Peoples
Update on Hiring Process. Action: None taken.
Item # 10:
Dean position
Dr. Reed Peoples
No idea. We're hiring 5 or 6 deans to replace. They are trying to revamp the deans area. Economics may be coming to business studies. tech writing will be going back to bus studies and leave english.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)