Andrew Christie, Mark Cugini, Steven Hassel, Rosario Juarez, Glynis Miller, William Moore, Dianne Olla, Angela Oubda
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Review of March 2016 Committee Meeting
March 2016 minutes approved. {do; rj}
Item # 2:
New Location Codes Request
The Inventory Control division of Business Services inquired about the creation of two new location codes: MISD (Career and Certification Center in Manor) and TLCC (Texas Life Sciences Center in Georgetown).
As part of the SACS Accreditation process there is a form that is necessary for completion if any location offers courses. The CORE Committee will relay the appropriate information to Business Services.
Item # 3:
Latest Update on Department Name Additions & Changes
Effective with the Fall 2016, there are 3 new Departments and 4 Department Name Changes.
Name Changes:
Auto Body Repair -> Auto Coll Repair & Refin Tech (ABRT)
Speech -> Communication Studies (SPEE)
Physical Fitness Technology -> Personal Fitness Trainer (PHFT)
Photography -> Professional Photography (PHOT)
The updates were made in Colleague on April 18, 2016.
Remedy requests will be made to incorporate changes in CMS and eStaffing.
Item # 4:
Guided Pathways - SCHOOLS and DIVISIONS
Andrew, Kathy G
In order to accommodate the infrastructure of the new ACC Guided Pathways model, the file SCHOOLS has been appropriated for use as 'Area of Study' and the file DIVISIONS has been appropriated for use as '(Academic) Program'.
A spreadsheet showing the current population of SCHOOLS/AreasOfStudy and DIVISIONS/AcademicPrograms was distributed with the agenda packet at the beginning of the meeting.
Item # 5:
National Student Clearinghouse Error Report
Andrew, Glynis
The NSC is now rejecting zip codes that are not in a numeric format. Since this contradicts the standard treatment of zip codes that are 10 characters in length, containing a '-' in the 6th position and, often, spaces in positions 7 through 10, ACC is not expected to be unique in having to find a solution.
IT is looking at the documentation that the Registrars' Office provided. It is likely that ACC will contact Ellucian first to try to find a solution. If Ellucian is unable to make a change before the NSC starts enforcing the new rule, IT will need to create a temporary workaround to send only the first 5 characters (the numbers) of the students' zip codes.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)