Bobetta Burns, Andrew Christie, Cheryl Coe, Carol Crader, Kathleen Dinse, Steven Hassel, Rosario Juarez, James Malmros, Glynis Miller, William Moore, Dianne Olla, Angela Oubda, Connie Wall
Guests Present
Mison Zuniga, Nereida Celis, Stephen Clifton
Item # 1:
Review of November 2015 CORE Committee meeting minutes
Approved. {CW, DO}
Item # 2:
Update on Data Integrity Issues
The 167 ROOMS records that were previously discussed were deleted.
There are 8 files where the number of data errors is increasing (as identified by ODS). They are:
Zip Code data is now a concern. The National Student Clearing House has decided to treat zip code data as numeric data only and will soon be enforcing the new standard. That means spaces and dashes must be eliminated in any files that are transmitted to the NSC. The NSC has already started flagging zip codes that are non-numeric with an Error Code 71 (Zip Code Not Numeric).
Given that (a) Zip Code is defined as a 10-character field in Colleague, and (b) there is some formatting inconsistency in the Zip Code field in the ADDRESS file, the CORE Committee will need to make a decision soon as to what kind of manipulation of the actual data is advisable and whether the issue should just be handled in the program that creates the extract file.
The Registrars Office and Human Resources Records Office indicated that they want to store only the first five digits of the zip code, leaving null values in character slots 6 - 10.
Also, OIEA has provided some documentation showing that there are 28,102 STUDENT.ACAD.CRED records with missing ids. IT is researching this.
Purchasing continues to provide IT with data entry errors that flag VENDORS as PERSONs rather than CORPorationS. (Mitt Romney: 'Corporations are people, too.') These appear to be data entry mistakes, but IT is researching and fixing the records that Purchasing has identified as mistakes.
Item # 3:
Update on QAS Batch
In Progress.
Registrars Office and Human Resources Benefit Office will be the first testers.
Item # 4:
Update on Fiscal Yearend Close
It was a smashing success.
No problems, except that the GLTB Detail is causing errors, but there is a degree of confidence that the source of that problem will be resolved soon.
Item # 5:
Discussion on ECHS and other Student/Course-type Data
COURSE.TYPE is a multi-valued field.
Austin Community College
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Austin, Texas
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