Andrew Christie, Cheryl Coe, Steven Hassel, Rosario Juarez, James Malmros, Glynis Miller, William Moore, Linda Terry, Connie Wall
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Review of October 5 CORE Committee Mtg Minutes
Approved. {DO, CW}
Item # 2:
Return of COURSE.TYPE Discussion
As part of the review of the October minutes, it was confirmed that COURSE.TYPE 'APT' was removed, and that STD and DEV represent academic courses whereas VOC and VOW represent workforce courses. The request to remove APT as a COURSE.TYPE was motivated by the Business Services office challenge in running the TPEG report. APT was causing data reconciliation problems.
As of yet, no reporting problems have been reported related to Accelerated Programmer Training (APT) data.
Item # 3:
QAS Batch Update
IT AppDev is working on a batch version of QAS that will compare student and employee addresses to be in conformity with the USPS database.
Steven (HR Benefits) and Glynis (Registrar) agreed to work with the analysis, testing, and implementation of this product.
OIEA had requested a QAS address update to include latitude/longitude data. IT provided that file and OIEA is continuing to work the file.
Item # 4:
Data Integrity Issues
The 167 ROOMS records that are not linked to BUILDINGS and contain no data other than add/change date/operator data will be deleted in early November by IT.
Item # 5:
CROA Demo, Part II
Part I of the CROA demo was diminished by a VPN problem at the Ellucian/webex end of things. Part II will take place on November 5.
Item # 6:
Departmental Needs / Updates
The IT Database & Reporting Team is continued to develop a high volume of reports related to ECHS, DUAL, and DCIL tracking. The team wants to make sure that the methods for flagging ECHS, DUAL, and DUAL students does not interfere standard UG and CE operations. OIEA suggested taking a good look at the cohort fields that get entered via CHGA and are displayed on STAL.
HR Benefits described a problem where the updating of one person's benefits would change other employees benefit plans. This problem seems to have started recently. IT will investigate.
Financial Aid has a couple of remedy requests in that are designed to help FinAid Self-Service be as robust as FinAid in Online Services.
Item # 7:
Clearing House & CIP Codes
A discussion related to CIP codes that are no longer active and the Clearing House demand for end dates on academic programs took place. It was recommended the Registrar's Office contact Ellucian for support in trying to identify a way that would satisfy the Clearing House.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)