Mike Balfour, Gail Bayeta, Robert Bell, Tony Bratton, Holly Bravenec, Billy Joe Cain, Sara Farr, Garry Gaber, Jason Hughes, Mary Kohls, Brandon Lackey, Nicholas Macron, Dana Marshall, Linda Smarzik, Kalani Streicher, Gordon Walton, Deanna Whaley
Guests Present
Billy Joe Cain, David Jennison, David Rhodes, Gordon Walton, Jason Hughes, Mike Balfour, Nicholas Macron, Robert Bell, Tony Bratton, Vijay Thakkar
Item # 1:
Welcome & Introductions
Gordon Walton
Chair Gordon Walton welcomed the committee and called the meeting to order at 11:30a.m. All members introduced themselves and stated their industry professions. The Chair then called for the next presenter on the agenda, Linda Smarzik.
Item # 2:
Old Business: Role of Advisory Committee, Background, Game Dev. Inst. Updates
Linda Smarzik
Linda Smarzik thanked the members for attending, explained the their role as a member and gave a brief overview of the Game Development Institute's (GDI) history from the inception on the CE level to the 3 degree paths on the credit side of ACC. She briefly explained the future goals of the GDI with regards to ACC's purchase of Highland Mall and a proposed digital media cluster incorporating all of the creative art disciplines at ACC.
Item # 3:
New Business: Industry Support for Students
Garry Gaber
Garry Gaber presented the department updates for game design, game art and 3D animation:
Background – Students, Personnel, Space, Stats
* Started in Fall 2008 with 18 course sections and 180. Has grown to approximately 80 course sections with close to 1000 enrollments (not students).
* All of our adjuncts currently work in the game industry.
* Applied Game Lab - A collaboration space for students to do class work or work on game projects together.
* Last summer we had about 40 game art/design and animation graduates and expect about 45 this summer. From 2010-2014 we've had 163 graduates in game design, art and programming.
* VisCom Department will be dividing into two departments effective Fall 2015 – New department: Game Development, Animation and Motion Graphics.
Linda Smarzik and Mary Kohls presented updates for the game programming area:
* Linda Smarzik informed the members of the new accelerated programmer program grant in the computer science area. She stated that the students have about 130 industry partners who have agreed to interview the students and out of 17 students who completed program the placement rate was 89% in IT field.
* Mary Kohls informed the members that the game programming lab was moved from building 3000 to 4000 and their game programming area does not offer many section, but those who have completed the program, have found jobs in the industry.
Garry Gaber asked the members if they could contact our department if they hear of any companies needing interns. He informed the members that the students who have worked as interns in the past have done really well and some stayed on with the companies.
Item # 4:
New Business: Curriculum: Modifications and new Advanced Technical Certificates
Garry Gaber, Mary Kohls, Sara Farr
Garry Gaber explained to the members that as they approved previously, the degrees are now capped at 60 hours instead of 72. Garry Gaber presented the following proposed curriculum changes in Game Design and explained the skillsets taught:
Game Design:
-Oral Communication moved to first semester and made alternative to EDUC 1300 College Success course
-removed prerequisite of Game 2338 Game Testing
-moved Mathematics to semester V
-revised some 4 credit hour courses to 3 or 2 credit hours.
Game Art:
-Oral Communication moved to first semester and made alternative to EDUC 1300 College Success course
-removed prerequisite of Game 2338 Game Testing
-moved GAME 1270 Intro to Game to 2nd semester
-moved ENGL 1301 English Comp I to 4th semester
-removed ARTV 2477 Technical Art Exploration
-revised some 4 credit hour courses to 3 or 2 credit hours.
Mary Kohls explained the degree was capped at 60 hours and changes for the visualization and game programming area:
Visualization & Game Programming:
-added required EDUC 1100 College Success course
-Expired ITSC 2364 and replaced with 2 credit hour ITSC 2264 Practicum
-also revised some 4 credit hour courses to 3 or 2 credit hours.
New Advanced Technical Certificates:
Garry Gaber reminded the members of the previously approved development of advanced technical certificates for graduates and industry employees who wish to return to update or advance their skills. These are advanced certificates beyond the associate applied science degrees and students who wish to obtain one of the certificates must hold a previously conferred degree. The members were directed to the handouts in their packets, which were skill matrixes of the Technical Art and Character Art Advanced Technical Certificates. He then turned the floor over to David Rhodes who consulted and developed the Technical Art skill matrix to explain the matrix and take any questions from members.
Technical Artist Advanced Technical Certificate:
David Rhodes explained the definition of a Technical Artist and explained 8 courses were being developed to be offered over a 1 year period. He further explained in detail the skills taught and how the courses would feed into the next advanced course and finally collaborate with other students in a team environment. After a brief discussion with members about some of the skills being taught, members supported the certificate to be fully implemented.
Character Artist Advanced Technical Certificate:
Garry Gaber then introduced David Jennison who explained the skills matrix for the Character Art certificate. Members and David Jennison reviewed the skills matrix in detail and resolved any concerns or questions members had regarding the proposed skills being taught. After discussions members supported the development and implementation of the certificate.
Chair Gordon Walton asked for a motion regarding the advanced technical certificates. Jason Hughes made a motion to accept both advanced technical certificates and Nicholas Macron seconded the motion. Gordon Walton has for a vote from members. All members voted and both certificates passed unanimously with acclamation.
Item # 5:
Open Discussion, Set Next Meeting Date, Adjourn
Gordon Walton
Garry Gaber asked members if they wanted to revisit the possibility of offering a Production track for Games. Billy Joe Cain explained that a production track was offered under the old CE certificate but since there were not enough enrollments they had to expire the Production certificate. However, he would like to consider adding it back into the program if there was enough interest to spark enrollment. Members expressed their concerns on both sides of the issue and it was agreed that members would like more research and development prior to proposing a production track. Perhaps partnering with a local studio to intern production students.
Set date for next meeting
Gordon Walton asked members for tentative dates for the next advisory committee meeting. It was suggested that the next meeting be held in the Fall of 2015.
Call for motion to Adjourn Meeting
Chair Gordon Walton asked members if there were any other topics to discuss and if not, asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Billy Joe Cain made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Vijay Thakkar seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 1:15pm.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)