Andrew Christie, Rosario Juarez, James Malmros, Glynis Miller, William Moore, Tammy Moreno, Dianne Olla, Anabel Sanchez, Fernanda Wienskoski, Noko T. Wilson
Guests Present
Abraham Nasser, Mison Zuniga
Item # 1:
Coding Needs: ECS, ECHS, APT
Discussion of the challenges of reporting on APT (Accelerated Programmer Training), ECS (Early College Start), ECHS (Early College High School), and a new initiative related to ECHS-Independent Learners.
Associating ECS and ECHS as a 'course type' to specific course sections seems to work for reporting purposes. The new proposal for ECHS-Independent Learners is likely to require a new, unique 'student type'. Associating APT as a course type to specific course sections, beginning with Spring 2015, may work fine, but the Committee recommended that Dianne and Andrew meet with Linda Smarzik (Dean) and Mary Kohls (Dept Chair) to clarify specific details.
The issue of State Reporting for these groups was raised, but will be tabled until the next CORE meeting in the hopes of OIEA and AR/CR presence.
Item # 2:
Pre-Requisite/Co-Requisite Checking Discussion
Automated Pre-Requisite & Co-Requisite Checking is an idea that surfaces every two years or so. The CORE Committee discussed what the challenges are, with the understanding that the idea could be realized at some point in 2015.
1) If students are to be prevented from registering because of a lack of a course pre-requisite, then the pre-requisites better be accurate. Departments have been reviewing course pre-requisites for some time now, but it is unclear how close to completion the review is.
2) ISS reported that some course level 'programming' is needed within Colleague.
3) A solution is needed for handling the problem of transcripts that have not been evaluated at the time the student is ready to register. If the transcript includes a course that meets the pre-requisite, and the transcript has not been evaluated, what happens when the student is unable to register? If the answer is manual over-rides, then the benefits of automation are reduced.
4) In addition to course pre-requisites, there is an institutional desire for skills pre-requisites. Meetings would need to be held to drill down into the specific skills pre-requisite rules.
5) ISS and IT are working together to document the messages that students will receive once pre-requisite checking is 'turned on'. This analysis is taking place, both with the current 'online services' registration and also with the new Colleague Student Self-Service Planning & Registration functionality that is being implemented in 2015.
Item # 3:
Other Issues as Identified
Several people will be attending the Ellucian Live 2015 Conference in April.
There is continuing interest in the Recruitment software, updates on HR and Payroll solutions, the new CE Registration product ('Elevate'), the most recent student retention product ('Pilot'), more information about the Ellucian portal, as well as progress on ACC's implementation of the Financial Aid Self-Service product and the Student Planning & Registration product. CORE Committee members attending 'Ellucian Live' will report back on these developments.
Also: HR reported that HR, Payroll, and IT are working to consolidate all of the monthly payrolls into just one monthly payroll, and all of the bi-weekly payrolls into one bi-weekly payroll. The idea is that consolidation will reduce the number of payrolls being run.
Also: The Accounting area in Business Services is working some Process Improvement initiatives and may seek some IT assistance at some point.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)