Pat Alba, Vidal Almanza, Michael Ayala, Curtis Christian, Ray Cook, Jaime Gomez, Dennis Hechel, Troy Mills, William Morrison, Juan Ontiveros, Paul Potier, Hondo Powell, Alberto Quinones, Cathy Redson, Gerry Singleton, Ryan Thompson
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Welcome and Introductions
Dr. Alberto Quinonez
The Workforce Education Advisory Committees at Austin Community College are business and industry representative groups that advice on curriculum development, instructor qualifications, equipment and facilities to prepare future graduates according to industry employment needs.
Item # 2:
The 2013 Texas Legislature mandated that all community colleges ensure that the Associates degrees total credit hours equal to no more an no less than 60.
Dr. Alberto Quinonez
Preliminary work was done by the faculty and the advisory chair, Gerry Singleton, Pedernales Electric and Hondo Powerl, Bluebonnet, and the results will be presented at this meeting.
The purpose of this meeting is to present the proposed curricula that meet the 60 hour requirement and get feedback and approval from the Electronics Advisory Committee members.
Item # 3:
Review the utility, power, and renewable specializations.
Dr. Alberto Quinonez
The committee had a productive discussion on how to change the degree plans. Mr. Bill Morrison presented a second version and Ms. Cathy Redson discussed her issues about the renewable energy specialization.
Mr. Hondo Powell moved to accept the Power and the Lineworker specialization as presented. Seconded by Mr. Gerry Singleton. All in favor had a show of hands and the motion was passed.
The committee suggested that the electronics department e-mail the two renewable energy proposals for a vote through email. This will be done in the next few weeks.
Item # 4:
Additional Items
Presentation of student data
Dr. Alberto Quinonez
Presentation of student data (Alberto) Dr. Quiñonez presented data to the committee.
Other discussions Adjourn at 1:45 pm.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)