Sue Bloodsworth, Andrew Christie, Mary Kohls, Joe Lostracco, Donald Morris, Dianne Olla, Tobin Quereau, Gaye Lynn Scott, Gillian Waterston
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Review of October 2014 Meeting Minutes.
October 2014 meeting minutes approved. {jl,dm}
Item # 2:
Preview of Summer 2015 eStaffing.
The email functionality within eStaffing has been rewritten to call a more recently created and robust stored procedure. It is currently undergoing testing and is expected to be ready in time for Summer 2015 eStaffing.
Most of the problems associated with the Spring 2015 new release of the executive modules occurred during Phase 1 and were fixed by the time Phase 2 began. At this point in time, all problems that were reported have been fixed.
Item # 3:
Preview of AY 2016 MSTA Application Process
The AFA is interested in knowing how many and which departments will be accepting new applications for the 2015-2016 academic year. (All current non-rollover MSTAs will need to re-apply regardless of whether the department is accepting new applications. 'Non-rollover MSTAs' are those adjunct faculty who currently are designated as MSTA, but have held that position for less than 3 consecutive years.) Andrew will obtain the information requested by the AFA.
The question about the status of the proposal to replace 'MSTA Exception' with 'MSTA Senior' was answered at the December 1 meeting. The VP of Instruction has recently formed two ad hoc committees to review (1) the MSTA Exception/Senior issue, and (2) the staffing criteria for ECS and ECHS course sections.
Thus, as it stands as of December 1, MSTA Exception' still exists, and 'MSTA Senior' is a future possibility.
Item # 4:
Adjunct Faculty & ACC Health Benefits
Both the AFA and the departments are concerned about ambiguities and unclarified answers concerning Adjunct Faculty requirements regarding benefits in light of the federal policies imposed by the 'Affordable Care Act'. At what point do benefits stop being paid for by ACC? Why is the current ACC policy to disregard 12 and 8 week teaching sessions? What is the status of summer teaching assignments?
These questions have been asked of HR. The answers to these questions do not impact the eStaffing application, but do affect the departments performing the staffing as they want to avoid imposing hardship and confusion on any adjunct faculty member.
Item # 5:
Instructional Associates
Beginning on September 1, 2014, a new position was created: 'Instructional Associate 3'. To date there has been no request to consider IA3s as a special staffing priority. The reason for this is thought to be that IA3s are not involved teaching; thus, the point becomes moot.
Item # 6:
Student Success Course - Update on new proposal
The 'First Year Seminar' project has morphed into a proposal that a 'Student Success' course be created and required of first year students. This would be a credit course and would likely be staffed by both full-time and adjunct faculty.
It is thought that once all of the details are hammered out, new courses (possibly EDUC 1100 and EDUC 1200, cross-listed with PSYC 1100 and PSYC 1200) will be created in Colleague, and the Department Chair will populate the course eligibility rosters, and that these course sections will be staffed using eStaffing.
A couple of hurdles are: (1) Eligible full-time faculty will need to be guided into using eStaffing for purposes of getting teaching assignments for the Student Success sections; and (2) Depending on the timing of the 'go live' date and semester of this process, a special window of eStaffing opportunity may be needed to the Student Development department.
Item # 7:
eStaffing Demo Proposal
eStaffing is an important process at ACC, and exists as a requirement of an Administrative Rule. A few years ago a demo of the application was presented for the new President and others who were not familiar with the application. At the December 1 meeting it was recommended that an attempt be made to arrange an eStaffing demo for the new Provost and others who may benefit from acquaintance with the process.
Item # 8:
eStaffing Term Roll-Over
There was a question about the timing of the Spring->Summer roll-over. The new version of the application was advertised as allowing departments the ability to determine at what point to roll-over from one term to the next, but Summer 2015 seems to have been rolled universally for all departments; some departments were still updating Spring 2015 rosters.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)