Jerrell Adams, Pat Alba, Vidal Almanza, Michael Ayala, Ray Cook, Roberto DelReal, Paul Elkins, Jaime Gomez, James Govea, Dennis Hechel, James Hogue, Jason Jecmenek, Leslie Libby, Troy Mills, William Morrison, Juan Ontiveros, Paul Potier, Hondo Powell, Alberto Quinones, Cathy Redson, Rob Rodriguez, Jason Sears, Shana Shaw, Gerry Singleton, Ryan Thompson, Andrew Valencia, Fred Yebra
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Elections of President and Vice President
Mr. Paul Elkins-Chair
Ms. Cecilia Galliano will be mailing the ballot for members to vote online.
Item # 2:
Review Minutes Mr.PE/Dr.Alberto Quinonez
Mr.PE/Dr.Alberto Quinonez
Questions about Veterans, College Credit for Heroes, women in this field, combining the class and the location were addressed. Dr. Quinonez stated that the department has developed a credit system for those who serve the military and the military students can go to the College Credit for Heroes website and see which the courses the ACC Electronics department is accrediting. ACC has reach out to women in the field, even though, there are few women working as lineworkers. Mr. Elkins stated that combining Climbing I and Climbing II will prepare the students with the basics and that would be enough. The group discussed the new location for the training facility and how difficult has been due to logistics, demographics, and difficulties to expand at the Riverside campus. One of the issues is to find funding to expand and Dr. Quinonez stated that ACC will continue looking for money to expand the program. Mr. Singleton suggested moving the training to Hays. Ms. Libby suggested monitoring the different ACC campuses.
Item # 3:
Discuss student enrollment in the Lineworker and Power programs
Mr. Pat Alba
This item was removed.
Item # 4:
Status and improvements
Dr. Quinonez
Many suggestions came from the group on how to market this program to reach to high school students. Pedernales Electric representative, Gerry Singleton, stated that he has been visiting high schools and had lot of success. Suggestions from members were to team up with ACC and set up visits together. Dr. Quinonez stated that we need to do a better job recruiting high school students. Suggestions were to reach out to the high school football coaches and recruit students from there, pull out the ACC calendar of events and share it with industry to begin to get them involve in our events, and to speak to high school and middle school counselors about this program. Mr. Alba stated the few years ago Austin Energy put an insert in their monthly bill and it would be good to see all the other industry members would the same. Dr. Quinonez stated that starting this Fall we will begin to put together a marketing package together to take to these visits and maybe create a subcommittee that can coordinate all the marketing of these programs. ACC will do a follow up on these suggestions.
Dr. Quinonez wanted to confirmed if creating the hand tools class was necessary and the members responded that this need is about safety and not necessarily how to use the tools. The group did not find the need to create the Fabrication course.
Item # 5:
Discuss the Texas lawmaker's legislation bill to lower the number of credit hours to 60 to receive an associate degree.
Discuss the Texas lawmaker's legislation bill to lower the number of credit hours to 60 to receive an associate degre
Dr. Quinonez
The group decided to break into three subcommittees each to review each degree plan. ACC will follow up with the logistics and create guidelines for these subcommittees. Dr. Quinonez stated that we need to make these changes within a year.
Item # 6:
Additional items-if time permits
No additional items were discussed
Meeting adjourned at 1:25 pm
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)