Sue Bloodsworth, Andrew Christie, Joe Lostracco, Dianne Olla, Tobin Quereau, Charles Quinn, Gaye Lynn Scott, Gillian Waterston
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Approved. {GW; DO, TQ, SB}
Item # 2:
Some of the problems that were reported:
1. Some of the 'Locations' (Elgin & Hays) were reported as not displaying, but the problem was related to the sort order where these two campuses were officially named 'ACC Elgin Campus' and 'ACC Hays Campus'.
2. The Math Department had issues with some Course Sections, and also the 'Refuse Sections' report did not come up during the first round. Other departments did not have the same problem with Course Sections as the Math Department did.
3. There was a discussion as to what the timing mechanism should be for when the 'Draw Report' appears and when it should not. The recommendation was that the Draw Report, which is first made available during the Accept/Decline window of Phase 1, should be made unavailable during the Section Assignment window of Phase 2.
Item # 3:
Usually about once each year an Adjunct Instructor will make the claim that an MSTA application has been submitted, when, in fact, the eStaffing database has no record of it. This might be a result of a 'time-out' issue. A suggestion was proposed that IT add as a 'Confirm' function, whereby when 'Submit' is activated, a 'Confirm' message appears that can be saved or printed by the MSTA applicant.
Also, a Yes/No function whereby Departments can indicate whether they are accepting 'new' MSTA applications or not, is desired.
Item # 4:
Sue provided some screenshots of problems that still need to be worked on in the new Executive module of eStaffing.
Item # 5:
AFA, Committee
At this point in time, it is unclear what the status is of the proposal to replace the 'Exception' category (which was based on seniority) with the 'Senior' category.
It is also unclear as to how many consecutive years of teaching at ACC constitutes 'Senior' status. Originally, it was 5 years; at a subsequent meeting it was 15 years.
This issue was scheduled to be on the next ACAC meeting agenda in June.
Item # 6:
There is a lack of clarity on the status of the ECS proposal. IT is assuming, based on previous eStaffing meetings, that the proposal is close to being officially approved, but it does not seem to have AFA support.
The new First Year Seminar project may have an impact on eStaffing if First Year Seminar is deemed a deandom or department. There are still questions about the project.
Item # 7:
The Fall 2014 Compliance Report was previewed. It will be posted as a link from the eStaffing Login page.
Item # 8:
The number of returned mailers for the Fall 2014 semester seemed to be dramatically lower than previous semesters. By encouraging departments to update their eStaffing rosters by the Mailer deadline, and by condensing the IT-Mailroom mailer preparation time from 3 days to 3 hours, it looks like we achieved success in mailing the mailers to the right population at the right addresses.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)