Sammy Alvanipour, William Hosbein, Linda Kluck, Phillip (Todd) Moon, Lara Niles, Margaret Peloquin, Chu Ping, Geoffrey Schulman, Edward Terry, Maria Youngman
Guests Present
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Item # 1:
Finalized WordPress Terms of Use and Style guide review (plugin and theme discussion)
Edward Terry
When you go to create webpage, first option will point to Wordpress. JW Player plug in installed. JW Player- video supports HTML5 and Flash. It is capable of video captioning, watermarking. Content must be copyright compliant. Submit to IRT, and they will send the video link to embed to webpage. Some people prefer to use Youtube but JW Player is more compatible with Blackboard. JW Player is viewable on and off campus. Wordpress test installation on website development site went well. The Content Editor/Owner will receive notice of updates, and is responsible for checking webpages for problems. Support documentation will be linking content- site to source linking. Questions directed to Edward, will set up a WordPress specific email to help categorize issues. Word press will be great for specialty departments because it is very flexible. Edward will educate departments about vanity URLS that will help direct more traffic and engagement, rather than long wordy URLs. Wordpress support will be directed towards intermediate and advanced users, then Edward will go back to the basics because of the high demand from areas with advanced skills.
Item # 2:
''Phase 2'' website content migration discussion
Edward Terry
Idea is that internal office websites will be responsible for content management, but capacity is an issue. Content will be copied and pasted from old to new system. The timeline to complete project is estimated at one year. Edward will create page and walk department representative one on one through the process, so they can copy/paste. If there are broken links/issues, send them to Edward as they arise, do not wait. The hope is to have basic framework for websites, rather than a template. Each page would have contact information, vision statement, and services to help make pages more unified. St. Edward's University's website as an example.
A lot of deep content. Specialty departments, committees, clubs, external sites, and many labs. Sending out emails to areas to find out if they need sites, where they should go. Archive? Remove?
Item # 3:
Meeting with Acquia went well . They are a company developed by someone from Drupal. The purpose is to provide service to Drupal customers that you would otherwise have to go to a forum to find support. This is important because of things that can come up, for example, and issue with the caching server.
Item # 4:
IT Reorg
Stan Gunn
Discussion about reorganization Helpdesk split into 2 areas. Lee Buentello will manage student area, Rick Cantu will manage Faculty/Staff area. Student Services will absorb student help area, while the technical help for F/S will remain with IT. Eventually Helpdesk will move to HBC probably, mid fall, but for now everyone will remain in SVC while things are being finalized. Next meeting he will bring ORG chart.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)