Teresa Ashley, Sue Bloodsworth, Kelly Grant, Richard Griffiths, Teresa Moore, Charles Quinn, Gaye Lynn Scott, Pamela Soto, Sarah Strong
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Faculty evaluation
Martha Perez
Dr. Pérez reported that summer 2009 had been processed and that department chair CDs were mailed.
Dr. Pérez reported that there were only 4 requests for Distance Learning evaluation during the summer and that only comments were entered for the Spring semester. She also mentioned that there will be a page for distance learning linking to the official ACC distance learning page.
Dr. Pérez reported that the building managers' and mail room staff support of the mail log for Spring 09 was successful.
Dr. Pérez reported that the Hybrid and Flex course evaluation meeting took place in June. It was agreed to keep forms separate and that Flex courses will go into the IT format this Fall. The hybrid form is under construction. We will schedule another meeting during the Fall and finish the form.
Dr. Pérez reported with increase in enrollment-there are approximately 700 courses more this semester-4955 paper course evaluations and 550 Distance Learning courses. Also ECS courses appear to be growing. As per Data Tel 8/ 29/ 09: 128,901 paper forms needed for course evaluation-about 20,000 more than last Fall.
Item # 2:
Staff evaluation
Martha Perez
Dr. Pérez reported that the Staff PEP process has finished and that the Office of Professional Development and Evaluation of Programs is working on making the process completely online for FY 2010.
Item # 3:
Open issues
Martha Perez
Dr. Pérez reported that FSEO received Department Chairs (DC) evaluated through a different form than the PEP for employees. Discussion ensued and the EC agreed to create a new form that blends the DC form with the safety question, the service learning questions and the professional development completion question.
Dr. Pérez wanted to clarify to the committee that the information FSEO provides to Pick-a-Prof is public information and is given through an Open Records Request. Reports are considered public records. ACC does not sell data.
Item # 4:
Open Forum
Martha Perez
Dr. Pérez reported that Counselors' forms have been finished and approved by Deans. They are now included in the procedures manual under non-instructional faculty. FSEO will continue to support counselor training with the new format.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)