Sue Bloodsworth, Kathy Galaviz, Joe Lostracco, Donald Morris, Dianne Olla, Tobin Quereau, Charles Quinn, Gillian Waterston
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Review of October 2012 Minutes
Minutes approved. [gw, cq]
The status of the ''MSTA Senior'' vs. ''MSTA Exception'' designation is still unknown.
The only known bug in eStaffing, the one that affected some adjunct faculty making preferences under certain conditions, was identified during the Spring 2013 eStaffing cycle, and has been fixed.
Item # 2:
eStaffing Compliance Report
The eStaffing Compliance Report has been developed in ''Informer'' and provides a general overview and some basic statistics as to how eStaffing was used by academic departments for a specified term.
The Committee reviewed the report and made the following recommendations:
(1) Remove the departments that are no longer 'active' in eStaffing -- i.e., ''Fine Arts'', ''Developmental Communications'', and the placeholder department, ''New Discipline''.
(2) Distinguish between departments that failed to use eStaffing and those that used it, but did not complete the assignment cycle.
(3) Change the 'F' (Fail) value to 'E' (Exempt) for those departments that were granted exemption from using eStaffing for the purpose of assigning adjunct faculty to course sections.
The eStaffing Committee requested that the Compliance Report be distributed to both Mike Midgley (VP of Instruction) and the Deans.
Also, the Compliance Report should be made available to the eStaffing Committee members.
Item # 3:
Update on eStaffing Executive module Redesign
The redesigned Executive module, including Appointments, Eligibility, and Assignments, will be implemented in September, 2013, in time for the Spring 2014 eStaffing cycle.
The eStaffing Redesign subcommittee will meet again during the first full week of January 2013 to work through all of the specifications.
The importance of training was cited. IT will help arrange for some training for Department Chairs, Deans, and designated Admins during the summer of 2013. We will try to arrange for additional training during the Professional Development afternoon of General Assembly Day in August 2013.
Item # 4:
Communication From Shared Governance Review Council
Having discussed the eStaffing Compliance Report and the HB2504/Lighthouse Compliance Report, the ACCeStaffing Committee wanted to make sure it was in compliance with the Shared Governance Review Council rules.
One issue is that the Shared Governance committee information regarding Agendas and Minutes refers to an obsolete site. Andrew will communicate with Sylvia to update their webpage ( to refer to the Meeting Minutes website, which contains the agendas and minutes of all eStaffing meetings since September 2009.
Sue Bloodsworth was unanimously voted in as eStaffing Committee co-chair. This information will also be made available to Sylvia for incorporation into their website.
Item # 5:
Lighthouse Compliance Report
After demo-ing the eStaffing Compliance Report, the eStaffing Committee briefly discussed the new HB2504/Compliance Report. This report is currently in ''Test'', awaiting ''user approval''. Once approved, it will be moved into production. Deans, and designated admins, plus the VP of Instruction will have access to run the report.
Item # 6:
Possible Future Challenge: Incorporating ''Early College'' priority
The eStaffing Committee will be seeking more information about a proposal to incorporate as a subgroup ''Early College'' into the staffing of sections within eStaffing.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)