Richard Armenta, Herbert Coleman, Sylvia Galvan-Gonzalez, Haydeana Gaviria, Charlotte Gullick, Deanna Johnson, Juan Molina, Teresa Moore, Ursula Pike, Franklin Taylor, Nicole Young
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Richard Armenta
Everyone had the opportunity to introduce themselves.
Item # 2:
Charge to the Committee
Richard Armenta
Dr. Rhodes has outlined an objective that as part of Achieving the Dream, Austin Community College to become a designated "Leader College." In order to qualify to achieve this status ACC must meet specific criteria found in Achieving the Dream Leader College Guidelines and Application. For our part as a committee we have been assigned one of five goals, i.e. addressing Equity by recommending strategies that positively impact student performance that deliver outcome of completion and success of courses and programs.
Item # 3:
Use of Data
Although we will certainly use data on Developmental Ed it will not be the only source of Success" was distributed to all those present. This report summarized the major indices that the college is using to monitor progress on the benchmarks of student success. All members were asked to read the report and be prepared to report your observations and offer suggestions that may lead to goals and recommendations.
Item # 4:
Strategies to Address Equity - (All Students)
There was a great deal of discussion related to the need members may have on how best to obtain the data that might be needed to focus on strategies. At the end of the discussion members agreed that it may be best to rely on the expertise of college staff to get the data and the best use of our time as a committee is to read, interpret and apply the data. Haydeana will make a copy of the work that has been done thus far under Child Development, Gale Spear, to present and distribute for review by the committee.
Item # 5:
Members discussed at length regarding how much control any one committee could have regarding factors that impact student equity? Some factors that impact the students may be external to the educational and institutional environment. However, if we can stay focused on the data as it affects learning outcomes, it is logical that the committee can meet its charge. A lot of equity has nothing to do with the institution. Charlotte has identified a definition of equity and emailed it to the members for consideration. Members had a free flowing discussion on possible recommendations. Clearly, "we can't do everything", and systemic approach is required. Hence, more study of the data is needed.
Committee members were reminded to please read the report of Student Services, Dr. Christensen as a good starting point for our next meeting!
Item # 6:
Future Meetings
Dr. Armenta will send a message to group about meeting twice a month for August and September. A query will be sent to members to declare the best days and times to schedule our regular meetings.
Item # 7:
Suggested Agenda Items for Next Meeting
Cultural Competency Subcommittee Report
Identify challenges in report
Begin to prioritize
Data on OIE not adequate
Observation of Data Report
Information on Retention and Attrition
Develop a list of concerns