Marie Fofi, Theresa Harkins, Howard Hawhee, William Hosbein, Linda Kluck, Lara Niles, Mary Parker, Adrian Ramirez, Cheryl Richard, Geoffrey Schulman, Becky Villarreal, Micheal Wade, Noko Wilson, Nancy Worlds, Maria Youngman
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Rewrite of committee Functions and Recommendations
Theresa Harkins
Committee approved the following with additional ''word smithing'' input from Steve Christopher:
Committee Functions:
Makes recommendations to deliver relevant, timely, and useful websites for ACC students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Seeks input from ACC administrative departments, faculty, and students regarding the effectiveness of ACC websites and web applications.
Analyzes current and proposed ACC policies so that websites and web applications serve all intended users.
Oversees the development and progression of features and functionality within ''Online Services''.
Forwards recommendations to the Student Services Council
Item # 2:
Ellucian's new plan for a Mobile site
Theresa Harkins
Ellucian verbally announced a new mobile app. Official announcement will be at Educause in November. Highlights of the new app are:
Released later this Quarter or or next
Hybrid Design:
Native which will allow to use phone features
Web parts for support of Ellucian ERP (Online Servcies)
Supports integration for custom and 3rd party apps
Will initially work on:
Maybe Windows
Available from the itunes, etc.
because of hybrid design, most updates can be passed without having to update from the app store
Moble App will be able to be Branded
More will be discussed at the November meeting
Item # 3:
Instructional Server Update
Edward Terry
IRT and IT have been working in conjunction to set up and administer a webserver that will house instructional content. The hardware and software as well as the environment are close to being finalized. Account creation and maintenance is the focus of that group now.
Committee member Mary Parker explained that she will require FTP access to at the new instructional content server due to the content she currently maintains cannot be transitioned into any web CMS solution the college currently offers (Google Sites), or will offer in the future (Drupal/Wordpress).
Item # 4:
Web Redesign Update
Edward Terry
Edward Terry explained that a questionnaire was distributed to the Deans and Directors group of Student Services to aid in the content development phase of the web redesign project.
Edward Terry discussed the process of design mock-ups currently underway. Edward explained the process of content migration from current location to its appropriate areas within the new website architecture.
Committee Member Linda Kluck stated the admission application is currently being redesigned. She said her group is currently working on content for the actual application. Workflow will then be updated and finally look and feel can be applied. She will keep the WAC updated with progress when available.
The issue of students responding to instructors via their personal email accounts was discussed at length. This occurs when a student forwards their ACCMail messages to another account. When the student receives a message from an instructor, instead of responding from their ACCmail account, they respond from their non-ACC personal account.
''Destination ACC'' was discussed. Student representation form SGA commented and said this webpage was helpful when he retured to school after stopping out.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)