Byron Dungan, Patti Gagne, Carol Hirsh, Dianne Kesslinger, Mark Leidig, Helen McCandless, Kermit Meister, Roy Ramos, Pamela Soto, Jamee Stewart, Luis Valera
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Faculty Coach Report
Luis Valera
Acronym is changed from SWOT to SOAR. Luis reported that we are doing well in that our assets are that we have different classes throughout city. There's pride in accomplishment for life goals. We have skills to instruct and the tools to do it with, but facilities need upgrading. Luis did give everyone a copy of withdrawal rates and grade distribution. There was also discussion about the possibility of promoting KINE using Facebook and posters. All agreed that more space is needed for our activity classes.
Item # 2:
Intramural Classes
Jamee Stewart
Jamee Stewart is exploring facilities in Round Rock and Austin PARD for softball and flag football, courses that were previously deleted from the course inventory due to space limitations. With the increased participation in Student Life Intramurals, there has been a demand by students to add these classes. Tracy Partin, KINE Adjunct Instructor and Intramural Coordinator has a list of students who have requested these classes.
Item # 3:
Suggestions for Improvement
Discussion centered around the promotion of KINE Dept. Mark Leidig suggested Facebook and others suggested posters distributed around campuses with pictures of action shots of activity classes. Jamee Stewart reminded all that we need permission forms from students for pictures. Jamee will contact the marketing department regarding posters and website photos.
Item # 4:
Book Survey
Roy Ramos
Book changes, update, book list to be reported to Roy Ramos for ordering. Roy and Zhna Sharp will update our book list. New American Red Cross textbooks will be used for the fall semester.
Item # 5:
Program Review
Byron Dungan
Byron Dungan gave everyone a form to fill out concerning ideas to lessen withdrawals, inspire an attitude of success-etc. All KINE instructors agreed to allow make-up classes and assignments whenever feasible to assist in lowering the withdrawal rate of our department. Byron is completing the program review for our department this year.
Item # 6:
Discussion re adjunct evaluations, specifically how exceptional our adjunct faculty is.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)