Andrew Christie, Cheryl Coe, Susan Corbett, Kathleen Dinse, Theresa Harkins, Rosario Juarez, James Malmros, Kimberly Martinez, Dianne Olla, Anabel Sanchez, Connie Wall
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Review of March, 2012 Minutes
Minutes from March 2012 meeting reviewed and approved.
Item # 2:
Department Name Change Request
The departmental name change for Commercial Music Management was approved. The new name as requested and approved by Geoffey Schulman (DC), Gary Hampton (Dean), Mike Midgley (VP), and Dr. Solis (Provost) is ''Music Business, Performance, and Technology''.
The Colleague/UniData and SQL Server databases will be updated soon to reflect this change. Per Dianne, the department would like to see the change take place as soon as possible.
Due to Colleague's limitation of a 30-character maximum length for the department name, it will need to be shortened. The shortened name will be ''Music Business, Perf. & Tech.''
(The Colleague/UniData & SQL Server databases were updated on 06/15/2012.)
Item # 3:
Proposal for new Email Address Type: VEN (for Vendors)
There were no objections to the creation of a new email address type ''VEN'' which will be used for vendor direct deposit communications.
VEN, which had been in Coltest for several weeks, was approved to be created in Collive. There will now be 4 valid email address types: ACC (Employees), INT (Students), RET (Retirees), and VEN (Vendors).
('VEN'' was added to PERSON.EMAIL.TYPES in Collive on 06/15/2012.)
Item # 4:
Ellucian User Group Conference & CORE Impact
Andrew, Jim, and Theresa gave brief statements about the Ellucian User Group Conference which each attended in April.
Key CORE-related points: (1) Ellucian is starting to provide some nice functionality, and it would be wise for ACC to start to catch up; (2) In particular, the Business Objects solution for Reporting, Retention Alert for retaining students, and the development of new student views, such as Student Planning were cited as worth pursuing. (3) No new Ellucian clients are opting for UniData or Oracle. All new clients are selecting MS SQL Server as the product database. Meanwhile, many UniData clients are in the process of converting from UniData to SQL Server.
ACC has not made a commitment to either stay on UniData or migrate to SQL Server, but if the choice is to migrate, there is one lengthy process that needs to be performed if the transition is to be successful. And that process is ''data clean up''. ... Please see Agenda Item #5 below.
Item # 5:
ODS Update
This month's ODS Update focused on the need for data cleanup. ODS does a nice job of identifying Colleague/UniData data that fails to meet the more rigorous error checking of MS SQL Server.
Connie recommended the formation of a committee, encompassing ST, CF, and HR personnel, to create a process, which includes an audit trail, for the cleaning up of Colleague data.
This is not only important for the eventual transition from UniData to SQL Server, but is also a necessity immediately as OIEA is using ODS as a way station for populating the OIEA SAS database. Since data that violates database rules is not imported into ODS, the data that eventually gets into SAS is only as complete as the Colleague/UniData data is clean.
The committee members will be: Andrew, Connie, Rosie, Kimberly, Kathy D, and Christy. An initial meeting will be called soon.
Item # 6:
QAS Integration Update
The afternoon of July 12 has been targeted as a time when key members of Admissions & Records would be available for a demo of QAS Pro with Colleague UI 4. Andrew's preference is for Amy or Daniel from QAS to lead the demo, and is attempting to make arrangements for their attendance on that day. The demo has been reserved for SVC 182, the IT Training Lab.
Item # 7:
X-Process & UI-4 Compatibility Update
Recently there have been incidences of ''runaway X-processes'' that threaten to bring down the Colleague system. These runaway X-processes are custom reports, developed many years ago, where the print functionality is no longer compatible with the Colleague infrastructure. IT is trying to identify, in advance, these X-processes and place them off-line until (a) it has been determined that they are still being used, and (b) the print logic has been stripped out of them.
Item # 8:
Miscellaneous & Departmental Round Table
Nothing notable other than concerns that Continuing Education is no longer being represented at key committee meetings; e.g., CORE Committee, Datatel System Steering Committee, etc. The committee expressed hope that someone will be designated soon.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)