Rachel Barrera, Lorlie Braxton, Tamy Chapman, Herbert Coleman, Chris Davis, Matthew Evins, Latasha Hussey, Stephanie Long, Jeannette McGowan, Christina Michura, Donna Moore, Kathleen Nakasone, Wajma Nasher, Jack O'Grady, Kathleen Park, Allan Purcell, Larry Stephens, Sarah Strong, Mason Turpin
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Approve Minutes of November 4, 2022 meeting
Al Purcell
The minutes were approved.
Item # 2:
DE Proctoring resolution - updates
Jack O’Grady
Jack O’Grady shared a notice update from Erasmus Addae detailing changes to DE Proctoring operations and alternative options for testing in the event of technical or emergency issues.
Matthew Evins: willing to work with Erasmus Addae to arrange expansion of hours for the computer centers.
Donna Moore: concerns about student access to the testing center based on the availability of testing center hours and whether there is a one-time use exception rule that is still in effect Jack O’Grady will contact Erasmus Addae about this feedback and request a response.
Item # 3:
Updates from the Student Course Evaluation Committee
Gale Spear and Marcus McGuff
Gale Spear and Marcus McGuff presentation (link to slide presentation). Approved by ASAC, being sent to Richard Rhodes for signing. Software replacement search in effect, may tie into search for upward evaluations too. Goal is to create something meaningful and actionable to cover all potential academic modalities and situations in an altruistic manner. Examined processes and tools from 7 different institutions. Created a question bank for F2F/DLS courses, proposed to do the same for other modalities as well as labs. Survey will be distributed on Sunday (4/9/23) by TLED on course evaluations. OIRA working with the group to create least biased questions possible. Pilot suggested for Fall 2023, focus groups in Summer 2023. Lab pilot and clinical/practicum/internship/apprenticeship pilots TBA. Stephanie Long volunteers to help with FLX evaluations.
Item # 4:
Updates on the Hyflex initiative
Matthew Evins and Stephanie Long
Final HyFlex technology has arrived for 40 classrooms, 13 are live but are temporary due to equipment difference Installations will occur during the intersessions at all campuses 40 installations expected for Summer 2023. 30 FLX courses offered in Spring 2023, target 80 in Fall 2023. 75 instructors trained, 100 planned by Summer 2023. Goals listed are those of the strike team responsible for HyFlex.
Item # 5:
New Business
Jack O’Grady
Elect a co-chair (2-year term) to assist Jack O’Grady. Stephanie Long nominated and elected to serve the role.
Motion to adjourn approved.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)