Erasmus Addae, Rachel Barrera, Tamy Chapman, Herbert Coleman, Lisa Coppoletta, Latasha Hussey, Loreah Johnson, Farrah Keeler, Stephanie Long, Sherri Lynn, Jeannette McGowan, Christina Michura, Donna Moore, Kathleen Nakasone, Wajma Nasher, Jack O'Grady, Allan Purcell, Sarah Strong, Mason Turpin
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Approve Minutes of September 9, 2022 meeting
Al Purcell
The minutes were approved.
Item # 2:
Distance Education Handbook
Rachel Barrera
Rachel is reviewing the handbook. It will be shared with the committee. Hyflex will not be in the handbook.
Item # 3:
Best Practices in DE courses
Donna Moore
The best practices handbook is in google docs and was reviewed at the April meeting. Comments will close at the end of the fall semester for the committee.
Item # 4:
Privacy Issues for Proctoring and the 4th Amendment
Erasmus Addae
The Ohio district court ruled in favor of the student concerning privacy and room scanning during remote exam proctoring. The case as it stands now only pertains to public institutions in Ohio. Erasmus met with Dr. Wade Bradfute and Ruth Reinhart and have forwarded ACC’s proctoring processes to legal counsel for recommendations. Early notice can be put in the course notes or syllabus to obtain student consent for room scanning during exam proctoring. Also, the best practices, handbook and QM experience subcommittees should be concluded.
Item # 5:
New Business
Richard Espinosa
Richard presented student issues regarding test proctoring. The committee passed a resolution as follows: The Distance Education Committee recommends that students experiencing technical emergencies, in need of a quiet and secure environment, and/or situational test anxiety should be allowed to use a testing center.
In addition, the Distance Education committee recommends that the testing centers and computer centers have additional operating hours to accommodate students that may be working during the day. Suggestion would be 8-8pm Monday-Thursday, 8-5pm Friday, and 12-6pm on Saturday and Sunday.
These recommendations are in line with the colleges desire to provide caring, compassion, equity and inclusion into the testing environment
The resolution was sent to the provost for approval. Erasmus will work with the testing center to streamline the process by the spring semester.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)