Google Meet / HLC ACCelerator - Hyflex room CR1101
Members Present
Rachel Barrera, Lorlie Braxton, Ashley Carr, Angelo Carlo Caverte, Tamy Chapman, Herbert Coleman, Lisa Coppoletta, Ariana Cortes, Chris Davis, Lillian Huerta, Farrah Keeler, Stephanie Long, Sherri Lynn, Jeannette McGowan, Christina Michura, Donna Moore, John Naranjo, Wajma Nasher, Jack O'Grady, Kathleen Park, Kerri Pope, Allan Purcell, Larry Stephens, Sarah Strong
Guests Present
Liz Hundley, Zuleyka Izquierdo
Item # 1:
Call to Order
Item # 2:
Approval of Minutes
Larry Stephens
Minutes were approved from May 6 meeting
Item # 3:
Old Business: Reports from Ad Hoc Workgroups:
*DE Faculty Handbook (Erasmus Addae)
*Best Practices in DE Courses: When to post syllabus in DE courses (Donna Moore)
*QM Course Data: Qualitative Research (Larry Stevens/Jack O'Grady)
1. DE Faculty Handbook.
The handbook is not finalized. It will be completed in the next two weeks. Rachel Barrera will present at the next meeting.
2. Best Practices in DE Courses.
The document that Donna Moore presented previously has been shared with the committee. Members are invited to review and comment.
3. QM Course Data.
The survey is not final. Larry will schedule a meeting to finalize. Assistant deans will reach out to faculty regarding the three year course review.
Item # 4:
New Business:
*Presentation on current DE proctoring Procedures (Zuleyka Izquierdo)
*Discussion on room scanning during proctoring and 4th amendment rights
1. Presentation on current DE proctoring Procedures. Zuleyka explained some procedures. Proctored exams are offered for HYD and ONL courses seven days a week. Exams can be scheduled from two days to three weeks in advance, no same day exam is permitted. Students receive a confirmation email. Practice sessions are offered to students the day before to check their technology. During exams students can’t hear one another or chat.
2. Discussion on room scanning during proctoring and the 4th amendment rights. ACC student privacy is very important. Proctors discuss the rules and what to expect when taking a proctored exam. Erasmus Addae and the assistant deans have discussed privacy issues and will report to the committee.
Item # 5:
There needs to be better communication about QM requirements.
Item # 6:
Next Meeting Date: November 4, 2022
Time: 1:00 – 2:30pm
Location: Virtual meeting
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)