Tamy Chapman, Herbert Coleman, Azzurra Crispino, Kristina Elizondo, Matthew Evins, Yolanda Hall, Michelle Hamilton, Robert House, Stacy (Liz) Hundley, Latasha Hussey, Kelly Kamm, Kristy McDermott, Donna Moore, Uma Nair, Kathleen Nakasone, Lori Rosenthal, Amy Setter, Larry Stephens, Sarah Strong, Mario Tenorio, April Whalen, Daira Wilson
Guests Present
Ariana Cortes, David Lauderback, Sean Moran
Item # 1:
Update on QM Peer Review and DLIS
Larry Stephens
Internal peer reviews will begin. The assistant deans are working to get faculty on board to be reviewers. A training process is required and a stipend will be issued. Instructional designers have been designated to be part of the peer review process. There will be two faculty members assigned. One will be a subject matter expert and the other will been QM trained.
The Distance Education Instructional series is for faculty teaching online. The new version was released in January. A refresher is not required for faculty that already completed the series. The training is located in the professional development database. Larry is requesting that the committee share this information with their departments.
Item # 2:
The Digital Divide
Matthew Evins
What can we stop/start or continue doing to help address this issue? There are equipment, device and internet access issues. IT is working to get more hot spots but data caps and pricing are an issue. Matt will work with deans and department chairs to identify what the minimum computer requirements are for all programs. The data will then be provided to advisors so they can make the students aware of the requirements.
The committee approved a motion to encourage the administration to purchase laptops as a preference when purchasing student support devices.
Item # 3:
Distance Education Modalities
Sean Moran
The GIS department is using a hyflex mode. With this mode students can go to class or attend online on a video call. The GIS department has two labs at Highland, room 1525 and 1526 that can be used by other departments. This mode will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Item # 4:
Recommendations regarding Blackboard pre-load
The initial motion to recommend that all faculty be required to post their syllabi in Blackboard by noon on the first day of the session (exceptions for faculty assigned after the first day) has been tabled. This discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)