Attending: Al Purcell, Anita McAuley, Cecile Durish, Clark Peterson, Daira Wilson, Janet Bickham, Jose Flores, Nick Sarantakes, Robert Bermea, Scott Gibby, Susan Thomason, Terry Barksdale, Terry Kotrla, Tracie Nobles, Voncille Wright, Gaye Lynn Scott
Item # 2:
Admin Rule 4.03.004 – Full Time Faculty Workload - Update
Compensation is the same as on-campus courses
Class Overload Limit Guidelines will be added to an Admin Rule)
As per Gaye Lynn Scott, Admin Rule is on Steve Kinslow’s desk, to be signed and implemented SP 12.
Item # 3:
Admin Rule 4.01.001 – DL Best Practices- Update
Date Approved/Amended: 11/21/2008; amended 06/04/10, 11/19/10
Based on SACSCOC Distance & Correspondence Policy
Item # 4:
SACS Visit and Distance Learning – Update and Committee charges
Faculty Credentials Mtg. 06/06/11 and Follow up meeting on 06/09/11 with Mike Midgley, Soon Merz, Amanda Karel, Scott Gibby and Robert were reviewed, mainly SACS Distance and Correspondence Education policy statements that deal with faculty credentials.
Tasks charged to and before DLC:
a) what are the (College) procedures for implementing this policy (Admin Rule for Best Practices) and
b) what is the proof (documentation) that the college is implementing this policy and what will the college be providing SACS as proof of that documentation?
As per Amanda Karel, ACC SACS Coordinator-three things that SACS will be looking at for each of the policy statements:
1. What is the current Policy?
2. What are the Procedures - for implementing policy?
3. Where is the Proof – the policy has been/is being implemented?
Reminder: March 15, 2012 is deadline for getting reaccreditation information to SACS for their visit.
Under Faculty heading – three policy statements that were discussed
An institution offering distance or correspondence learning courses/programs ensures that there is a sufficient number of faculty qualified to develop, design, and teach the courses/programs.
The institution has clear criteria for the evaluation* of faculty teaching distance education courses and programs.
Faculty who teach in distance and correspondence education programs and courses receive appropriate training.
Question: How does ACC meet these three policy statements?
DL faculty to complete workshops** or otherwise show competence in three major areas
Pedagogy = Design
Technology = Develop
Classroom Management = Delivery (Teach)
Training would be in these three areas, so that faculty is qualified to develop, design and teach courses and programs. There would be no grandfathering existing DL faculty and would be tied in with the current professional development at ACC. This training would be a baseline and departments could set additional training requirements. Faculty Evaluation would then be based on these three areas and a training module for departments, dept. Chairs, faculty (for peer evaluation), would be designed to show how to evaluate DL faculty.
A fourth component (Introduction to DL at ACC) would be developed for DL faculty that would cover DL support services at the College as well as process and procedures related to Distance Learning at ACC. An example would be Mentoring for new Distance Learning Faculty.
* Aside for Student Evaluations of DL Faculty, there could also be peer reviews, departmental evals, faculty portfolios, self evaluation.
** Susan Thomason is to provide the committee with a current list of available workshops and training related to teaching via Distance Learning and/or support materials for DL faculty.
There was discussion about looking at the existing DL Faculty Evaluation Instrument that students use and have (the new evaluation) tie in with the three topics listed above: Pedagogy, Technology, Classroom Management.
Though the committee was asked if there were other (SACS) policy statements to look at, none were discussed at the time.
Item # 5:
Definition of Distance Education and Definition of Correspondence Education
An initial conversation was held looking at the definition between Distance Education and Correspondence Education as defined by SACS. Also reviewed were the current definitions of ACC DL Delivery modes.
DLC will meet on July 15th at HBC, to continue this discussion and set definitions for various types of delivery modes as per SACS and THECB. These definitions will help provide information and expectations for students taking these courses. For the instructional side, it will help set parameters for how a course is designed, developed and delivered.
Clark will be setting up a Google group for the DLC – info to follow.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)