Attendees: Blanca Alvarado, Al Purcell, Jeannie Beach, Neelam Noorani, Donna Pauler, Carleen Sanchez, Michelle Esqudier, Helen Dailey, Carol Hirsh, Mary Parker, Rachel Barrera, Carole Pierce, Azzura Crispino, Donna Moore, Ashley Carr, Zoe VanSandt, Amy Setter, Clark Peterson, Susan Thomason, Pam Montalbano
Item # 3:
Review of minutes from last meeting
Item # 4:
Open issues: Election of Co-Chair
All Purcell was elected as co-chair of the committee.
Item # 4:
Open issues: Review of Committee Charge and Functions
Committee will review policies and guidelines to support DL.
Item # 4:
Open issues: Update on Admin Rule Review
Susan will bring the summary of establishing SACS standards and the evaluation of Student Support Services to the next meeting.
There are no updates from SACS about best practices. Clark expects some updates by summer 2016.
The yearly review of administrative rules ad hoc meeting is once in the summer. Sub-committee to review DL admin rule will meet annually in the summer.
Item # 4:
Open issues: Items for ASAC
DL Faculty Evaluation Instrument: The new instrument for DL faculty evaluations never went through the system so it’s not approved. Students still do the old survey. Susan met with Faculty Evaluation and they indicated that it takes three months to put a survey into the system. Hopefully it will get in the system by the end of the semester. It has to go through the councils for comment.
DL Course Designations: DL still offers ITV and PRN modes. These designations need to move to ONL and HYD. There is no administrative rule for HYD. It is considered HYD if face to face meetings or orientation is required. (The conversion to HYD will require a new course approval form.) The reports to the Federal Government indicating the online sections is not accurate because all modes are included. Students must be able to complete the online course wherever they are. IPEDS sends this report and must indicate ONL only.
Proctor U information will be provided to faculty. Distance testing will still be available.
Item # 5:
New business: State Reauthorization and what it means to ACC
Susan will get information regarding the number of courses that international students can take.
Texas approved becoming part of the reciprocity agreement. It will be official in 2017. The evaluation guidelines are included in the package. ACC will be required to follow the Department of Education guidelines. ACC could get sued to lack of quality and not following the guidelines. The administrative rules will need to be updated in order to comply. Susan will get a program review and compare to SACS.
.A sub-committee will be formed this spring to look at SARA.
Item # 5:
New business: Data-drive Decision Making to improve DL outcomes
Susan distributed binders with data to determine the needs of DL success and compare completion rates with classroom. The committee is invited to share data for the binder.
Item # 6:
Susan will meet with Jeannette at Barnes and Nobles to address the bookstore issues. The books are only available at RGC. They can get them delivered to another campus but students are having problems. The recommendation is for DL students to order online. Susan will invite the bookstore to the next meeting.
ACC is looking at Pathways. It will be replicated for DL students. The DL student support and technology survey will be in the spring. It will have basic questions about satisfaction, blackboard, testing, library, Smarthinking, etc.
Faculty would like to see the Smarthinking flyer in October for the spring semester. No password is needed, it is in Blackboard. They would also like to see a bigger button in Blackboard.
DL faculty evaluations are in announcements in Blackboard. Clark also sends out reminders.
There is a google group for the DLC to share items.
The summer institute this year will include faculty development for HYD and for faculty that have never taught DL. There will be training initiatives. THE DL modules were updated from Softchalk to Blackboard. There were more outside videos regarding accessibility and usability. After training, the faculty will get credit. Currently the system is not populating in datatel as it should. The department chairs should be able to log in and see completions. Susan will talk with Bobetta about this issue.
DL week is November 9 –13. It is still in the planning stage. It could include a reception, lunch workshops and awards. Send requests to Clark for webinars. He will meet with Stephanie in student life to see what they can offer. The essay contest last year was a success.
DL stations are requested on campus. They would require headphones and media spaces for online videos and web conferencing. It was in the master plan.
Clark is meeting with the testing center to get a repository for exams set up.
Item # 7:
Meeting adjourned at 3:30.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)