Review minutes from the previous Distance Ed Committee meeting
Minute approved
Item # 2:
Update on the results of the Distance Education strategic priorities survey
April Whalen
There are three top priorities from the fall survey.
1. Work with IT to develop online student preparedness measurement integration with student registration system.
2. Develop a zero week orientation course for first time DE students.
3. Collaborate with appropriate departments to implement services to support DE students.
Decisions/Actions: April was to invite two IT members to come to a DLC meeting but IT is not taking new projects.
Item # 3:
Panel Discussion with cross-district stakeholders about the risks and benefits of developing either/both: a pre-registration screening tool for appropriateness for Distance Education and/or a zero-week orientation to distance education.
Moderator: April Whalen. Panel: Melissa Curtis, Willie Martinez, Grant Potts, Eduardo Garcia and Tasha Hussey
Panel discussed various units that would be impacted by potential DL orientation/screening.
Item # 4:
Rachel Barrera, Latasha Hussey, Sarah Strong, Kerri Pope, April Whalen, Herb Coleman, Shih-Ting Lee, Suzanne Stambaugh, Al Purcell, Marian Moore, Clark Peterson, Erasmus Addae, Heather Syrett, Amy Setter, Eduardo Garcia, Emily Hardegree, Terry Barksdale
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)