Bobetta Burns, Andrew Christie, David Fretwell, Kathy Galaviz, Steven Hassel, Rosario Juarez, William Moore, Dianne Olla, Angela Oubda, Linda Terry, Connie Wall
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Return of the Data Clean-Up Subcommittee
The Unidata Data Clean-Up Subcommittee will be meeting on a regular basis soon with the goal of cleaning up as many of the data errors as possible in the next 12 months.
Particular concern was expressed about the table AODS_A70_APPLICANTS which has had a surge of data errors since the college switched from the original ACC student web application to the Recruit product. As of May 3, the number of good records in AODS_A70_APPLICANTS is 718,329; the number of records with one or more data errors is 35,602.
IT will review the best solution for ensuring that all of the Yes/No values get re-mapped to the appropriate one-character values that are consistent with the original and approved Colleague standard values.
Item # 2:
Update on Enterprise Content Management System
No substantial update at this time, other than the college is evaluating cloud solutions vs on premise solutions.
Item # 3:
LOCATIONS File - Region? Campus?
The LOC.REGION data element is currently used in conjunction with Resource 25.
Utilizing four of the user fields in the LOCATIONS file is an idea that will be explored. Having the four following fields in the LOCATIONS file would fill a big reporting need.
Campus (as opposed to centers, etc.) - Y/N
Region (e.g., N - North, S - South, C - Central) - N/S/C
Effective Start Date (in internal date format)
Effective End Date (in internal date format)
Item # 4:
San Gabriel Campus - Location Setup Complete?
Looks like San Gabriel Campus (SGC) is set up and ready to go.
Item # 5:
SUBJECTS File - Expand Description?
David F
David presented the case for expanding the maximum data length of the data element SUBJ.DESC from 30 characters to a higher number. The business reason was to help make Self-Service easier to understand when selecting courses from departments where there are multiple subjects and the subject descriptions are already nearing the 30-character maximum.
There are a number of side issues related to this request:
(1) SUBJECTS.DESC is supposed to represent the official name as authorized by the Coordinating Board. Thus, what are the repercussions of ignoring that dictate?
(2) Is the solution of expanding the data length the true recommendation of Ellucian? If so, is ACC the only Colleague client that needs to do that? If ACC is not the only Colleague client with this problem, then why doesn't Ellucian work on presenting a better solution?
(3) If merely changing the SUBJECTS.DESC values to be greater than 30 characters in length is done without also officially changing the data length, that will result in a large number of data length violations on the ODS/SQL Server database. This affects OIEA/SAS reporting, IT/ODS reporting, and the Civitas/Degree Map database.
The consensus at the CORE meeting was that the business case was not strong enough to merit an expansion of the data length. The argument that opposed the change was that the change would have unnecessary negative consequences unrelated to Self-Service and that Ellucian is responsible for releasing a workable product.
Item # 6:
New Department/Program Request - Emergency Management
The request to create a new instructional department Emergency Management was approved by the Core Committee. The code for the department will be EMHS.
Also, there was a request that a work-around be found to use the old name of Game Development, Animation & Motion Graphics for the Summer 2018 for that department, but use the new name of Creative Design Technologies beginning with the Fall 2018.
Fortunately, Institutional Support Services came up with a clever solution using our application tool suite and worked with the department to handle this request.
Item # 7:
DEPTS File - Expand Department Name/Description?
This request originated at the eStaffing Committee recently when a review of official department names was being analyzed. Two Deans articulated the point of view that 30 characters is insufficient for a Department name.
In bringing this change request to the Core Committee, the committee took the position that a strong business case must be presented in order to make an official data attribute change that has wide-ranging consequences. The committee is not in favor of this proposed change without a more compelling case.
Item # 8:
CE - AOS Setup - Status?
CE, Committee
CE was not present at the Core Committee meeting.
A key issue is whether the Continuing Education proposals are consistent with the Texas State Coordinating Board.
Item # 9:
Other Agenda Items
The Executive Director of Admissions & Records presented a change request in support of two new HOLD codes.
The Committee approved the 2 new HOLD codes. Here is the official request:
As discussed and approved at yesterday's core codes committee:
Please add the following two code to the val code table for restrictions
(REST) Please add them in test and in live.
Severity 6
Description: Required Math Reminder
Office codes: ADM, ADV, COU, DNS, TSP, MTH
Detailed description and follow-up Action: Required college math course
enrollment, contact any campus Advising Center. (Make the words Advising Center in the description be a live link to the ACC web page
Severity 7
Description: Required Math Enrollment
Office codes: ADM, ADV, COU, DNS, TSP, MTH
Detailed description and follow-up Action: Required college math course
enrollment, contact any campus advising center. (Make the words Advising Center in the description be a live link to the ACC web page
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)