A report is to be developed that will count the number of course sections each faculty is assigned for a specified term, and list the faculty who have 7 or more assignments.
The report will be in the following sort order: department, faculty name
The intent is for the report to be run just prior to phase 1, and just prior to phase 2 of eStaffing, and the report distributed to monitor whether the administrative rule dealing with the faculty workload is being followed.
Item # 3:
Update on Compliance Report
Release of the Fall 2018 eStaffing Compliance Report will be distributed to VP of Instruction, AVP of Workforce Education, Deans, and the eStaffing Committee.
Item # 4:
Official Names of Academic Departments
College is still wrestling with the following problems associated with department names: (1) Inconsistent communication of name change requests; (2) Awkwardness of name length maximum within Colleague of 30 characters; (3) Lack of hierarchical structure within Colleague that allows for a group name for individual departments, the individual departments, and divisions within departments; (4) Inconsistent terminology regarding department and division as to which is the genera and which is the species; and (5) Frequent departmental name changes - this applies more to administrative departments than academic departments.
Item # 5:
Challenging Issue: New Adjuncts with no Colleague record
This complaint seems to be directed primarily at HR. A lack of timeliness at getting the adjunct faculty data into Colleague. There is also the on-going problem of Adjunct Faculty being created in Colleague as being part of either the Human Resources department or a generic, but fictitious, Adjunct department, rather than having their position linked to the academic department from which they were hired.
Item # 6:
Sponsoring Department for eStaffing Application
There is no sponsoring department for the eStaffing application. IT handles the questions for research and assistance. Training was being provided by an Administrative Assistant to a large academic department that uses eStaffing consistently. However, this arrangement is no longer in place, and the issue of training new department chairs, deans, and administrative assistants is one that needs to be addressed and is being added to the 1st eStaffing Committee meeting agenda for AY 2018-2019.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)