Steven Christopher, Susannah Erler, Marie Fofi, Jennifer Gray, Theresa Harkins, Howard Hawhee, Linda Kluck, Abraham Nasser, Margaret Peloquin, Derek Posey, Geoffrey Schulman, Brian Smith, Maria Youngman
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Approval of April Minutes
Edward Terry
Approval of April committee minutes and some notes on departmental websites.
Edward Terry brought up the issue of the AutoCAD Department website. After the presentation by Matt Wilson and Erlene Clark the AUTOCad website was approved to go live. The AUTOCad department had wanted to use a subdomain that utilized a Virtual Machine (VM) to run an installation of the Wordpress CMS. At this point a few academic departments were in fact using this environment to do this very thing. these departments included Visual Communications and Computer Information Systems.
At a time even before this Web Advisory Committee meeting occurred Edward Terry had met with IT to discuss the hosting of websites that utilized these technologies. Information Technology was being tasked with maintaing and upgrading multiple VM's on ACC's servers. An environment that utilized a single instance/multi-user approach was agreed upon so that IT would not have to maintain and upgrade multiple VM environments, but rather a single one. This required the stoppage of creating new VMs.
The AutoCAD website was approved for content, functionality as well as look and feel. When Matt Wilson requested the VM necessary to run that was needed for the website (Wordpress 3.X), it was denied. IT then stated it did not want to create any more VM's as it had previously wanted to do and move forward with the multi-user environment that was being constructed with the MArketing department.
Currently the AutoCAD website resides on an external domain at . IT and Marketing are moving forward with the multi-user Wordpress environment so that not only the AutoCAD department can utilize this technology, but so can any faculty or staff that have approved content for such an environment.
Item # 2:
Change the name of ''Online Services'' to ''MyACC''
Theresa Harkins - The Marketing and Outreach Committee has voted to rename Online Services to ''MyACC''.
The WAC rejected this in lieu of naming a possible forth coming portal as ''MyACC''. The rationale behind this was that renaming a service meant that something was new or had changed when in this case nothing would have changed save for the name of the service.
Item # 3:
Possible Mobile View for Online Serivces
Edward Terry
Marketing is looking into the possibility of updating the look and feel of Online Services to accomodate mobile device users.
Analytics have shown that the url #onlineserivces is becoming a highly used URL. These numbers reflect the growing number of current ACC students utilizing ACC's mobile website to access Online Services. The need to make Online Services available via the mobile web has become apparent. Marketing is working with IT to develop a new ''skin'' for Online Services so that it will work with mobile devices.
The Datatel delivered mobile application for Online Services was discussed.
Item # 4:
Web Redesign Update
Edward Terry
Updates from the content team regarding the Website Redesign Project regarding homepage and top level template links.
Research has been done to compile a list of content links that were available on community college websites throughout the United States. Using this list, an electronic card sort will be deployed that will ask users to ''sort'' the content into particular categories. These sorts will help determine the menu structure oft he new ACC web templates.
Item # 5:
Update on Ask ACC
Deanna Garcia
Deanna was unable to attend. Ask ACC has undergone visual change updates. IT reports increased usage with this tool.
Item # 6:
Linda Kluck requested the ACC Admission Application be updated with new content and standardized look and feel. Howard Hawhee said that he was willing to work on this project wit her and whoever else might need to be involved.
Theresa Harkins explained ''Exposures'' within Google Docs had been enabled to allow users to monitor what documents of theirs are accessible by the public.
Margaret Peloquin asked about translating ACC web sites into Spanish. Edward Terry explained that the Spanish section of the ACC website was used as a tool by prospective ACC students to explain o their parents what community college was and why it was importnat. In Latin societies the concept of a community college does not exist so these students encounter barriers at home.
A suggestion was made that ACC at least translate the President's pod cast into Spanish.This may prove difficult.
Margaret Peloquin requested an ACC Emergency Alert widget so she could put it on the ACC library website. Edward Terry said he could accomodate this request.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)