Mario Aguilar, Susannah Erler, Robin Garza, Jennifer Gray, Theresa Harkins, Linda Kluck, Lara Niles, Margaret Peloquin, Derek Posey, Geoffrey Schulman, Edward Terry, Maria Youngman
Guests Present
Abraham Nasser, Rick Saylor, Rosie Juarez, Stacy Moreno, Stan Gunn
Item # 1:
Approve November Minutes
Jennifer Gray moved to approve November minutes. Margaret Peloquin seconded. November minutes approved.
Item # 2:
Google Calendar for ACC homepage
Edward Terry
Edward demonstrated the ACC calendars from the home page. They are all using Google Calendars now.
Item # 3:
Department web/application server requests
Rick Saylor/Edward Terry
Requests for department web and application servers are difficult to honor without standards. Edward Terry reported on meetings to discuss issues and provide resolutions. A small committee will define standards for specialty websites. All website requests will be evaluated by Edward Terry to determine what kind of site is needed. He will attempt to encourage the use of Google sites where appropriate. Special requests will have to adhere to standards set by ACC or the requesting department will have to pay for a third party provider.
Edward will also educate and enforce the use of approved web templates and themes both in Google sites and specialty websites.
Item # 4:
Templates for ACC Websites Public vs. Internal
This was discussed in conjunction with Item # 3: Edward will enforce/educate the use of approved web templates and themes both in Google sites and specialty websites.
Item # 5:
ACC Mobile site review
Derek Posey
Edward and Derek talked about how ACC is transitioning to Responsive web design. Websites will conform to whatever screen resolution or device you are using. Similar to the City of Austin site.
Abraham Nasser offerred to share code with Derek that helps define what device is being used to access a website.
Student reported issues with Blackboard on a mobile device. Jennifer Gray announced that the Blackboard app works only with sprint, however, it works if connecting to wifi.
Item # 6:
Online Student Withdrawal is now Live
Linda Kluck
Linda Kluck demonstrated the new workflow in Online Services that allows students wo withdraw from classes online.
Linda answered questions about the process and took away several suggestions for improvement:
1. add something to menu that distinguished between the Drop and Register and the Drop/withdraw menu items.
2. Add link to Withdrawal Tutorial in Online Services
3. rewrite the tutorial to be more ''one voice'' and more ''student friendly''
4. Produce a YouTube video for the tutorial. Possibly produced by Student Live
5. Have All faculty add something to the syllabus
The withdrawal tutorial is available by clicking on the ''Information'' link on this website:
and it will be added to the Help Desk website as well.
Item # 7:
Google + is now live for Staff and Students
Theresa announced that Google + is available for faculty, staff, and students now
Also, Students are now able to have access to faculty members private sites. Faculty can authorize students access to these sites by providing them with the link to the site.
Item # 8:
Round Table
No further discussion. Meeting was adjourned at 2:45.
Next meeting will be April 19
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)