Mario Aguilar, Lori Blewett, Steven Christopher, Susannah Erler, Marie Fofi, Jennifer Gray, Theresa Harkins, Linda Kluck, James Malmros, Lara Niles, Mary Parker, Margaret Peloquin, Derek Posey, Edward Terry, Nancy Worlds, Maria Youngman
Guests Present
Geoffrey Schulmann, Keelee Kyles, Noko Wilson, Stan Gunn
Item # 1:
Approval of July Minutes
Theresa Harkins
July Minutes were approved
Item # 2:
Review Membership: Introduce New Members
Theresa Harkins
No Discussion
Item # 3:
Review Committee Mission
Theresa Harkins
Mission is still good. We will review at the end of the year to see if we need to make changes.
Item # 4:
Discuss website requests and URL structure
Edward Terry
As Google Sites are being used for more website projects users are concerned with distributing the link to the site as it is longer than the older /~dirname. Edward asked IT personnel if redirects to these sites should be placed on the server side or the client side. Client-Side redirects require a separate FTP account.
Item # 5:
Review research on existing websites
Edward Terry
Edward presented the work he has done on evaluating existing websites. 80% to 90% of the existing websites are either old, outdated or not in use. This was determined by looking for content, relevent content, and/or if owner is still employed by ACC. IT should now take this list and make decisions on how to clean up the old, outdated websites and provide standards and procedures to keep up to date.
Ed also stated that noe of the remaining websites would break by upgrading the webserver to PHP5. IT will further discuss with Ed and move forward with a plan to upgrade.
Item # 6:
Google Apps Update
Lara Niles
Lara updated committee members on the Google APPS conversion project. We have created over 500 group accounts to replace demartment email accounts; we now have the ability to create courtesy accounts for ''unpaid'' workers; we are beginning work on converting listservs to Google Groups.
Several users requested access to other google apps such as Picassa, Google Analytics, Feed Burner. These requests will be granted on a case by case basis.
Maria Youngman stated that she is only allowed 15 minutes fro captioning. We will research this issue and report back.
Mary Parker recommended that we publish a document that explains the pros and cons of using Google websites and/or ACC provided sites. We will work on that for the next meeting.
A questions as asked about what percentage of all ACC faculty use Blackboard. This could be an alternative for some instead of creating websites. Theresa will get numbers from Seth.
Item # 7:
Online Services Stylesheet Change Request
Keelee Kyles
Keelee requested a change to the Online Services stylesheet. The request is to make the HELP link more prominent by making it red. The committee briefly discussed the need to maintain both HELP and the Online tutorial. Linda Kluck wanted time to think about sunsetting the online tutorial. We will discuss further at next meeting. The committee did approve Keelee's request. She will move forward with making this change.
Item # 8:
New ACC Student Webpage
Edward Terry
Edward showcased the new Current Student website.
Item # 9:
UPDATE: Admin Rule and Guidelines
Theresa Harkins
Admin rule and guidelines has been presented to the Student Services Council by Theresa Harkins. Stan Gunn will present to the Administrative Services Council
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)