Bobetta Burns, Andrew Christie, Cheryl Coe, Carol Crader, Kathleen Dinse, Marie Fofi, Kathy Galaviz, Vanessa Garza, James Malmros, Dianne Olla, Linda-Marie Schulz, Noko T. Wilson
Guests Present
Kimberly Martinez, Susan Corbett
Item # 1:
Review of December 2010 Minutes
December 2010 CORE Committee minutes approved.
Item # 2:
UI 4.2 Status Update
UI 4.2, the new web-based user interface for accessing Colleague, is now available in the Coltest environment. It is also available, on a limited basis, in the Collive environment.
UI 4.2 Training is occurring on Thursdays at HBC. Contact UI 4.2 Project Leader David Fretwell for any questions concerning UI 4.2
UI 4.2 is relevant to the CORE Committee in two major ways:
(1) UI 4.2 brings with it the end of Query Builder. Query Builder is a UniData-centric reporting tool that has reached the end of its life cycle. Datatel clients are free to choose which reporting software tools meet their needs (and budgets). Entrinsik Informer was selected by ACC because it is able to work in multiple database management system platforms. For instance, Informer can work with UniData (the DBMS we are most familiar with as long-standing Datatel clients) and SQL Server. Reporting from SQL Server means that, not only can we report off of ODS (Datatel's Operational Data Stores), but our Learning Labs, eHire, eTime, eStaffing, Remedy ticketing, Professional Development, and many other ACC databases.
IT is either working with, or developing a project plan to work with, the non-IT departments to assist with meeting their reporting needs.
(2) It has been reported, albeit with a small sample, that as many as 80% of ACC's customized X-processes are failing in the UI 4.2 environment. IT AppDev has begun researching the problem and will have more to report in the near future. But given Datatel's announcement that it will not support any user interface but UI 4.2 after June 30, 2011, the CORE Committee should spearhead the activity of testing all X-processes, and publicizing the ones that are failing, as early as possible in order to maximize the likelihood of a relatively smooth transition.
Depending on the research, this topic is likely to be one that receives plenty of attention and effort over the next five months.
A request was made by some CORE Committee members to receive training information and the UI 4.2 URLs for both Collive and Coltest. This information will be made available to the committee members.
Item # 3:
CE Departments
Marie Fofi
On January 10, Marie presented a proposal to expand, and better organize, the official departments within CE. The proposal would better align the CE departments with the Accounting Office, as well as make the department names more meaningful (and less esoteric).
At the meeting, Marie noted that she would like to amend the proposal slightly, and will resubmit it. If it looks good, the proposal will be forwarded to the AVP, Finance & Budget, and the President/CEO for approval/disapproval.
Item # 4:
Retiree Email Type Proposal
Susan Corbett
HR Benefits has proposed that a new email type (''RET'') be created. Currently, ACC has only 2 email types: ''ACC'' for ACC faculty & staff, and ''INT'' for ACC students and prospective students. ''RET'' would be for former ACC employees (i.e., ''retirees''), and would be used in communication for such events as an eCheck deposit transaction notification.
After Coltest is refreshed on Thursday, February 10, 2011, IT AppDev will create a new ''RET'' email type. Susan Corbett, in conjunction with Anabel Sanchez, will test the eCheck and email notification functionality to determine if the creation of a new email type is feasible and sustainable.
Item # 5:
Miscellaneous Topics
The Committee
While the processing of the 2010 1099s went smoothly late last month, there was one unpleasant surprise where the MISA screen suddenly behaved in a non-standard way. Due to time constraints the problem was not researched, but Business Services AP would like to ensure that the problem is investigated prior to next January.
Purchasing has reported some problems with UI 4 as it handles the ORGP screen. ORGP is no longer accessible as a main screen, but rather as a detail screen from another form. This is not the way it is supposed to behave. IT AppDev will research. (Meeting notes did not indicate whether the complaint related to UI 4.1 or 4.2)
Item # 6:
ODS Demo
Originally scheduled for this meeting was a demo of ODS, but this had to be rescheduled for the next (March 7) meeting.
Next meeting:
Monday, March 7, 2011
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
SVC 182 (IT Lab)
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)