Renee Cornett, Security Officer, Susan Hamende, Theresa Harkins, Eileen Klein, Susan Pearce, Robyn Richter, Regina Swearengin, Kirk White
Guests Present
Norma Mercado
Item # 1:
Review of minutes
Eileen Klein
Correction of minutes date from 11-01-05 to 10-11-05
Follow-Up items: None.
Item # 2:
Medical Coding - hospital records
Norma Mercado
Donation of d-identified medical records to HITT Program from South Austin Medical Center
Number and type of patient files that would be donated, who would d-identify the records, where and how they would be maintained and used by the program.
Health Information Technology will accept the files from South Austin Medical Center under the following conditions:
* SAMC will d-identify all files prior to donation to HITT Program.
* SAMC HIPAA Compliance Officer will verify in writing that all files are satisfactorily d-identified per SAMC standards.
* HITT Program Coordinator will establish a procedure to ensure security of the records and establish a logging system to track the use of the records within the program.
Follow-up items:
>Health Information Technology department will verify that all records are d-identified according to ACC HIPAA standards upon receipt of the records.
Person responsible: Norma Mercado. Deadline: Upon receipt of records.
>Each record donated to HITT Program will be assigned a case number and a log identifying HITT course of use will be maintained in the department.
Person responsible: Norma Mercado. Deadline: Upon receipt of records.
Item # 3:
Education update. A. ACC supervisor training
Kirk White/Susan Hamende
New on-line PowerPoint HIPAA training module reviewed.
Items of discussion:
Training will remain annually for faculty and health sciences students.
Training schedule and frequency for ACC supervisors to be determined by HR department.
Training program will be copyright protected and media department will confirm that all photos used in the program are within public domain.
Tracking of completion of training will be routed to HR for employees and to department designate for students. Federal Warranties component of the confidentiality form will be deleted in January since this is no longer needed due to the implementation of criminal background checks.
Directions to print the signature page at the end of the program will be made more prominent.
Implementation for faculty, staff, students and ACC supervisors scheduled for January 2006.
Follow-up Items:
>Confidentiality Form signature page.
Person responsible: Kirk White/Susan Hamende. Deadline: January 2006.
>Gather information on changes from Department Chairs.
Person responsible: Kirk White/Susan Hamende. Deadline: On-going.
>Add training to professional development offerings.
Person responsible: Kirk White/ Susan Hamende. Deadline: January 2006
Item # 4:
Education update. B. HIPAA posting to website
Eileen Klein
HIPAA link has been established on the Environmental Health and Safety web site; current postings include general overview of HIPAA and roster of Task Force members.
Follow-up Items:
>List of FAQs will be developed as needed.
Person responsible: Eileen Klein. Deadline: On-going.
Item # 5:
Education update. C. HIPAA Presentation
Eileen Klein
HIPAA Presentation to the President's Effectiveness Team scheduled for November 14, 2005.
Item # 6:
Becky Cole
Becky unable to attend – will table the in-depth review of sanctions procedures until next meeting.
Sanctions procedures were briefly discussed by committee members.
Follow-up Items:
>Please submit any feedback on the sanctions procedures.
Person responsible: Rebecca Cole. Deadline: December 15, 2005.
Item # 7:
Compliance Manual Update
Renee Cornett
Resources for development of ACC HIPAA Online Compliance Manual were reviewed; these include: manuals from Stanford and Florida Universities, Dental Hygiene manual that was purchased and the CD that was purchased by the Risk Management Department.
Draft of Manual by Spring Break.
Follow-up Items:
>Contact Stanford University to seek permission to use information in their HIPAA Compliance Manual.
Person responsible: Renee Cornett. Deadline: January 2006.
>Contact Peg Raiford to help set up the program/layout to start the HIPAA Compliance Manual.
Person responsible: Renee Cornett. Deadline: January 2006.
Item # 8:
Compliance Audits
Eileen Kline
Fall audit schedule
Please submit in to Eileen as soon as they are completed.
Follow-up Items:
>Audit deadlines.
Person responsible: Task Force Members as assigned. Deadline: December 2005
>Analysis of audit data.
Person Responsible: Eileen Klein. Deadline: Spring 2006.
>Task Force to review audit data during spring semester.
Person responsible: Task Force. Deadline: Spring 2006.
Item # 10:
Next Meeting - TBA January 2006 please bring your calendars
Next Meeting Date: January 10, 2006
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: EVC, Room 8358
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)