Teresita Bazan, Bobetta Burns, Andrew Christie, Kathleen Dinse, David Fretwell, Steven Hassel, Rosario Juarez, William Moore, Al Sims, Linda Terry
Guests Present
David Lauderback, Mary Ann Cicala, Michael Hill, Mitch Pope
Item # 1:
Department Name Change Request:
from: Social Sciences to: Anthropology, Economics, & Geography
Anthropology, Economics, & Geography to remain as individual departments (disciplines) - in the DEPTS table.
The umbrella department of 'Social Science' is to be replaced by 'Anthropology, Economics, & Geography', but there is no data element in the Colleague database, nor subsidiary web application databases that corresponds to a grouping of departments.
The main concern from the Social Sciences dean area is that the departmental webpages be changed to support the naming change. The website in question is 'www.austincc.edu/SOCSCI'.
The Marketing department will be contacted to help ensure that the Dean area needs are supported.
Item # 2:
Foreign Languages Proposal: Addition of 2 new Languages
Two new foreign languages are being offered at ACC: Italian and Korean. Institutional Support Services (ISS) has communicated with the Foreign Languages department about the proper processes (specifically, the INSS Program Revision form), and has created the new SUBJECTS and RUBRICS. According to the communication there is no request for a new administrative department. Thus, everything seems to be taken care of, and no CORE Committee involvement is required.
Item # 3:
ACTM Screen: FA Years
FinAid Office
The Ellucian Consultant charged with assisting ACC in implementing CRM Advise has recommended populating key fields on the ACTM screen.
The Financial Aid Office had two concerns: (1) They have no access to this screen in either Test or Live, and (2) They want to ensure that populating these fields won't have surprise negative effects on other departments.
Thus, the recommendations made at this meeting were:
(1) Work with IT Security to get FinAid access to the ACTM screen.
(2) Locate the appropriate Colleague ACTM screen documentation.
(3) Prepare and execute an adequate test in the Colleague Test environment.
Item # 4:
Term Reg Start Date field?
The Ellucian Consultant working with ACC on CROA implementation had tailored some functions that identify current and previous registration terms using a data element in the TERMS table called TERM.REG.START.DATE.
This solution had worked well for other Colleague clients, but for ACC this data element is null.
The Committee recommended doing further analysis based on Colleague documentation.
Item # 5:
PERSON.USER2 Data - Data Field Length Errors
No one seems to have much information about this field. What is its purpose? Is it still used? Is it being updated via an automated process, and if so, what is the process?
A post-meeting update from Connie: It appears to be continuing to be updated.
Item # 6:
Adjunct Faculty - All stored in Colleague working in HR dept
IT Security
For a long time now, Adjunct Faculty are assigned the department in which they are teaching as Human Resources. Over the years, IT has created work-arounds to search through the Faculty module and Course Section assignments to make a best guess as to the primary teaching department for which an Adjunct instructor has been hired and is working in.
At the May CORE meeting, Mitch, the IT Chief Security Officer, expressed why this has caused recent security problems and is factually incorrect.
The problem continues to linger. Time-consuming work-arounds are still needed to support the model of assigning Adjuncts to HR, but putting the burden on web applications to determine which academic departments they are really working in.
In the absence of a decision by the Technology Steering Committee, and with the looming deadline to make a decision about AlumniSync, IT Applications Development began work importing AlumniSync updates into Colleague, but in a way that should not affect current processing. New 'Alumni' types now exist for email addresses, mailing addresses, and phones.
Update: As of 08/07/17, the Software Developer has created the program and is testing it.
Item # 8:
Invalid PHONE.TYPES: GRA - Where did these come from?
'GRA' is not a valid phone type. However, there are many entries with a phone type of 'GRA'. The 'GRA' type represents 'Graduate', but other than that, no one seems to be clear where these phone numbers are coming from, nor what the process that is updating them. This recently became an issue due to an alert from the federal government related to one of our payroll reports.
Item # 9:
Colleague Test Cloning & Software Update Dates
The cloning of Colleague Test is scheduled for May 19, 2017.
The date for the next set of Colleague Software Updates has not been determined, but needs to be. The CORE Committee Chairperson proposes the date of June 2, 2017.
It was revealed during the afternoon of May 8, that an upgrade needs to be applied to Unidata on picard. This will require Colleague and Unidata to be shut down for a brief period around 10:00 - 11:00 PM.
Item # 10:
Lucy Arroyo substituted for Bobetta Burns for this meeting.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)