Teresa Ashley, Glo Foley , Marilyn Love, Terry Mouchayleh, Charles Quinn, Gaye Lynn Scott, Sarah Strong
Guests Present
Sandra McCrary- Marshall
Item # 1:
Faculty Evaluation Update
Dr. Martha Perez
Dr. Perez reported that summer requests are being processed; CDs for department chairs sent out first week of June. She added that grade distribution and distance learning reports will be sent out mid-June.
Dr. Perez reported that the e-mail poll that took place for the "three click rule" resulted in a tie. The committee reviewed the way that UT is posting evaluations online. After this review, the committee decided to add to the format for evaluations to go to Light House a "guide to interpret course instructor surveys." Discussion ensued and the committee members present at the meeting decided to send three prototypes to ACAC by September 2010: (1) just the rankings for the professor, (2) just the summary section, and (3) both summary section and ranking.
Action Items-
Dr. Perez will create prototypes and have them for committee review in August meeting.
Item # 2:
Staff Evaluation Update
Dr. Martha Perez
Dr. Perez reported that the PEP form automation would be operational by June 8. Brief discussion explaining how the flow for the PEP process will change took place.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)