Teresa Ashley, Charles Quinn, Pamela Soto, Sarah Strong
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Faculty Evaluation update
Dr. Martha Perez
Dr. Perez reported that Spring requests are being processed; CDs for department chairs will come in June.
Dr. Perez reported Distance Learning meeting with Scantron personnel and Blackboard Coordinator May 12.The EC asked to explore with Blackboard coordinator if there is a way to create some kind of 12 week evaluation reminder that will not let them access the distance learning course unless they do the evaluation.
Action Item:
Dr. Perez will follow up and explore with Blackboard coordinator this possibility. She will also bring back a report of how the process will look like and will ask EC if want to go through. This will entail data sets and queries from IT that may or may not be ready by Fall 10.
Item # 2:
House Bill 2405
Dr. Martha Perez
Dr. Perez brought up the suggestion that ACC posts only rankings. The committee discussed the law and how it will affect the evaluation process currently in place here at ACC.
Action Items-
Dr. Perez will poll all committee electronically on the following options:
(1) Use rankings only v.
(2) Only summary section, text file (.txt) for minimal size, no ranking and no comments.
Grade Distribution Reports will be created with a percent column. Process will be tested in September.
Item # 3:
Staff Evaluation Updates
Dr. Martha Perez
Dr. Perez reported PEP form automation progress. Committee wanted to ensure that: (1) That the self-eval has the capability to be printed and brought to the table when the supervisor/ employee meets. (2) That the self-eval does NOT have the capability to be viewed by supervisor until after employee releases it for supervisor to see. In voicing staff concerns, the EC consensus was that seeing the self-eval first would bias the supervisor's evaluation; and (3) To ensure that the PEP system evaluation is signed (and closed) after the supervisor/ employee meeting takes place.
Dr. Perez reported that upward evaluation is in progress until May 24; she reported that data captured and matched all employees and faculty. The EC discussed the possibility of staff evaluating next level supervisor like faculty does.
Action Items-
Dr. Perez will continue to work with Jim Malmros on the above concerns about PEP form automation
Dr. Perez will investigate the possibility of staff evaluating next level supervisor like faculty does.
Item # 4:
Open Issues
Dr. Martha Perez
The EC approved sending a single PDF report of the course evaluation sections to reduce redundancy.
The request to change the question "the professor gave you a copy of the course syllabus…" to "The professor provided a course syllabus…." was discussed by the EC. The student handbook does not specify the format (hard copy) but the faculty handbook does. The EC decided to continue probing the question by adding this issue to the poll for the HB 2405 decision. Changing the form would require change in the faculty handbook.
Action Items-
Dr. Perez will poll all committee electronically on this question as well.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)