Dr. Pérez reported that Summer requests start now that Spring requests are closed.
Dr. Pérez reported various projects in progress: (a) exploring how to shift all Distance Learning evaluation to Class Climate system. The only question pending to go ahead is if this system allows access to evaluations in computers off-campus. She reported that Summer evaluation will be done the same way but it is possible to shift by Fall 2010. (b) Evaluation reports for HB 2405- IT is working on system to upload CVs and Syllabi. EC last period recommendations for reports are: text format (or csv file) for minimal size, no ranking and no comments (will vote via e-mail about this decision-see action items); (c) Giving access to testing and assessment personnel to use class climate. Dr. Pérez reported that as she learns more, she will open usage of class climate to department chairs.
Action Items-
Meeting in April with Scantron to develop various reports needed which will include a simpler automated report for the HB 2405 required reportage. The EC will vote on the three things agreed upon thus far: 1) small size format (text file) 2) a report per course-just the data and comparisons to college as currently reported (i.e., no summary section) and 3) no professor ranking.
Dr. Pérez reported that the request to change the Grade Distribution Reports has been sent out.
Dr. Pérez reported that in previous meeting the EC approved changing website (not manual) to clarify definitions for the faculty summary form to state that "unacceptable" implies a probationary status.
Item # 2:
Staff Evaluation updates
Dr. Martha Perez
Dr. Pérez reported PEP form automation will begin this year with a website where supervisors will sign on and that upward evaluation will take place late April.
Item # 3:
Open Issues
Dr. Martha Perez
Dr. Pérez reported that it was informally verified with a Staff of the THECB that the the intent of the law is not necessarily to evaluate all courses year round.
The EC approved sending only one report for professors in the Fall. The CDs for department chairs will continue to serve as record retention backups, so these will contain all reports for professors. Dr. Pérez explained that software is designed to be a processing and not an archiving system, so FSE office will only keep one year of data in Class Climate to avoid technical problems experienced during the previous Fall semester.
A request for changing a question in the evaluation forms regarding syllabus was posed to the committee. The proposed change was: exchange "the professor gave you a copy of the course syllabus during the first week of class" with "the professor reviewed the syllabus and made it available during the first week of class." The general agreement was to not change the question. Further information is needed. The EC agreed to investigate what the student handbook says and in that light reconsider the proposed change.
Action Items-
Dr. Pérez will investigate what the student handbook says regarding this syllabi issue.
Austin Community College
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Austin, Texas
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