Steven Christopher, Robin Garza, Vanessa Garza, Theresa Harkins, Linda Kluck, James Malmros, Lara Niles, Derek Posey, Stanley Pushkarsky, Geoffrey Schulman, Edward Terry, Derek Thomas, Maria Youngman
Guests Present
Abraham Nasser, Stan Gunn
Item # 1:
Unified communications project (Google Mail)
Theresa Harkins
Theresa presented status on Google Apps Migration
Some are confused and don't associate the term "Google Apps" with "Google Mail." Recommendation that we change our communication to specifically mention email.
When will Calcium go away? We will establish a deadline later in the summer. After everyone has converted to Google, we will begin working with individuals to convert Calcium calendars. Google Calendars classes will be online the last week of April, 2011. Face-to-face classes will be scheduled the first week of May.
Currently working with Specialty email account holders and listserv owners to convert to Google Groups. Online classes and face-to-face classes are currently available via Professional Development
IT will change the terminology in further communications about the email conversion
Item # 2:
Dynamic WEB templates Update
Edward Terry
Documentation has been created. No training classes have been developed. Edward is contacting "High-use" website owners first to convert them.
Continue to move websites to new template.
Item # 3:
WEB Domain Re-Structure Project Update
Edward Terry
Edward Terry will collaborate with web-page owners, conduct discussions and create documentation on the restructure.
Edward has requested and to hold Contiuning Eduction and our mobile website. Discussions of when to begin the "claim your website" campaign need to be discussed.
Item # 4:
New Online services main menu
Jim Malmros
New OS menu web page has to be redesigned to allow us to direct groups of users to separate servers, to reduce the load on the main web-sserver. Jim Malmros presented two versions of a redesign: A light version and a dark version. This will be a temporary solution until ACC can obtain and implement a portal.
Some recommended we use both and allow users to choose
Some thought the drastic change in color on the dark version, from the main menu to other menus, would be too drastic and cause confusion.
Questions asked: Was mobile device usage considered in the design?
Is the new design accessible?
Theresa will send links to committee members so they can get feedback from peers at their campuses. Please respond with comments back to Theresa no later than May 15th
Theresa will send links to committee members so they can get feedback from peers at their campuses. Please respond with comments back to Theresa no later than May 15th
Jim will make sure accessibility testing is done
Jim will verify use on mobile devices.
Item # 5:
Google Sites
Theresa Harkins
ssues with Google Sites were discussed:
How do we monitor what is on individual Google Sites?
How do we enforce ACC standards on Google sites?
What are those standards?
Will we allow redirects from ACC websites to Google Sites?
Hourly staff will not be allowed to create Google sites with their ACC Google apps account
Repeat offenders will have their ability to create and maintain google sites revoked.
Recommendations will be discussed as part of the Domain re-structure project.
Item # 6:
TouchNet Market Place
Cheryl Coe
Cheryl Coe introduced TouchNet Marketplace. They are working on implementation and working with select groups. This will be used as a secure, cost-effective way to offer online purchase of conferences, merchandise, services, etc
Item # 7:
New "Skins" for following websites Edward Terry
Edward Terry
Marketing has been asked to provide Standard ACC look to the following websites:
Edward will get with Kathy Galaviz for the Student admissions app; Cheryl Coe for the TouchNet page. Theresa is forming a committee for Get Answers and Edward will work with them on that webpage
Item # 8:
mobile website for ACC
Edward Terry
Mobile website for ACC A framework has been selected and is being populated. We are taking cues form many mobile websites including
Item # 9:
Top level website update/redesign
Edward Terry
The top level of the website will undergo a content, functionality, and look and feel update and redesign this year. Other projects such as the subdomain project, template updates, and so on will effect this project and vise versa. A time-line will be provided at the next committee meeting along with more details.
Item # 10:
Online Transcript Requests
Linda Kluck
Linda Kluck presented the new Online Services work-flow for online transcript requests. Students can request and pay for transcripts online.
Linda captured comments and suggestions and will evaluate for implementation
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)