Cheryl Coe, Marie Fofi, Kathy Galaviz, Vanessa Garza, Theresa Harkins, Dianne Olla, Patricia Salazar, Linda Terry, Connie Wall
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Department Name Change Requests
Andrew Christie
There have been 4 ''recent'' requests:
(1) New: Geographic Information Systems (code: GISC)
(2) New: Amer Sign Lang-Interpret Train (code: ASLI)
(3) Chng: Office of the Provost (prev: Acad Transfer & Gen/Dev Educ; code: AVPA)
(4) Chng: Enrollment Management (prev: Student Recruitment; code: SCCO)
No objections were voiced. The requests will be forwarded to President Kinslow for approval.
Upon approval the DEPTS table will be updated in Colleague, as will the SQL Server and FoxPro department tables.
Item # 2:
Active Departments
Andrew Christie
There are currently 84 departments that are flagged as ''Active'' and have no employees associated with them. As some of the departments appearing on this list looked like they might no longer be active, valid departments, the list will compiled and circulated to committee members for review to ensure that only truly active departments (both academic and administrative) are flagged as 'active'.
Item # 3:
Andrew Christie
QAS (Quick Address Systems) will be visiting ACC at the Service Center on the afternoon of March 3, 2010. From 1:00 - 2:15 pm, reps from QAS will be working to install the latest version of QAS Pro on a workstation so that from 2:15 - 3:30 pm, a demo can be provided to departments that utilize Colleague for address maintenance.
Item # 4:
ODS & Vendor / Voucher Data
Andrew Christie
ODS (Operational Data Stores) are continuing to be run at scheduled intervals. Reviewing the error logs is interesting, and the CORE Committee will focus on specific transforms along the way. This month it is the CF (Colleague Financials) suite that is being looked at. What was revealed is that some of the transforms are showing that there are some records (not many) that have multiple vendors associated with a field that only allows single values. All of these records were created in 2000-2001. A list will be provided to CORE Committee members that work in the CF module in order to determine the best corrective measure.
Item # 5:
Procedures for Creating Records
CORE Committee
The CORE Committee will devote itself to looking at the Procedures for creating new PERSON records at the April meeting. Continuing Education, Financial Aid, and Purchasing provided their documented procedures at today's meeting. Admissions & Records and Enrollment Management agreed to transmit their procedures in the next couple of weeks, as well. Critical to the success of ensuring a comprehensive set of procedures for creating new PERSON records is obtaining Human Resources' procedure document. HR was not represented at today's CORE meeting (or at the March 2 Datatel System Steering Committee where this was also discussed).
Also: Support for training for new employees and refresher training of current employees so that procedures and good practices are followed was expressed strongly by the Committee.
Item # 6:
Kathy Galaviz
A thorough reworking of ELF and SPEEDE to accomodate the decision made last year (with no advance notice) to provide only partial SSN information is still ''in progress''. Both the CORE Committee and Datatel System Steering Committee will be updated frequently on the progress of this challenge of developing enhanced algorithms, processes, and procedures to maximize successful identity matching.
Item # 7:
ERS & Other HR Update
Jim Malmros
Human Resources (HR) was not present, so an update was tabled.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)