Gail Acuna, Karen Burkman, Lana Cameron, Dr. Linda Carpenter, Terri Couch, Patti Ellisor, Carol Funderburgh, Elizabeth Huss, Debra Jones, Eileen Klein, Leah May, Joan Minnick, Patricia Recek, Yvonne VanDyke, Jean Ward
Guests Present
No guest attendance has been recorded.
Item # 1:
Approval of todays Agenda and the minutes from pr
Yvonne VanDyke
1. Approval of Agenda:
Yvonne Van Dyke motioned to approve the agenda seconded by E. Huss. Agenda approved.
II. Approval of Minutes:
Yvonne Van Dyke motioned for approval of the April 08 minutes Leah May motioned to approved, seconded by E. Huss.
Item # 2:
Vocational Nursing (VNG) Program Data
Pat Recek
Vocational Nursing Program
Program Data
Vocational Nursing Report
Nursing Advisory Meeting
March 6, 2009
Enrollment Spring 2009
Level I- 40
Level II –35
Level IV – 20 @ EVC and 6 @ Fredericksburg will graduate May 2009
NCLEX-PN Results
2008- 55 graduates, 52 passed on first attempt for 94.55% pass rate
Overall state pass rate was 88.65%; this was also the first year testing under the 2008 Test Plan and passing level.
Dec. 2008 Graduates (not in above calculation)- 1 failure-97% pass rate, I ESL student not passing.
Item # 3:
VNG Oath Ceremony
Pat Recek
Oath Ceremony
Program has initiated an Oath Ceremony during the first semester of the program- it is conducted prior to clinical and students commit to professional standards and sign an oath that will be hung in the VNG wing of the second floor.
Item # 4:
VNG Curriculum
Pat Recek
* Feedback on student evaluations of clinical sites- most feedback was positive; one area that is of consistent concern is the accessibility of conference rooms.
* Expanding non acute care sites: Austin State School, correctional facilities
* Revising our level one clinical to include more time in rehab settings
Item # 5:
NLNAC Accreditation and Instructional Program Revi
Pat Recek
NLNAC Accreditation and Instructional Program Review
* NLNAC site visit conducted in October 2008-thank you to all those who participated during public meetings and visits to the clinical sites.
* VNG is completing ACC's Instructional Program Review
Examining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Highlights)
o Faculty-qualifications-as of May 2009 all full time faculty have a MSN; at least 60% of adjuncts with MSN and remaining with BSN far exceeding the BON requirements in Texas which allow LVN's to be faculty.
o Faculty and Student Diversity
Admission policy that contributes to the diversity of students.
o Curriculum
Only one of 3 NLNAC accredited programs out of 91 in Texas
Pass rates above the state and national levels
o Resources
o Graduation rate that is below the programs expected level of achievement-are going to request specific resources directed at this area.
o Clinical agencies approaching program about being potential clinical sites: correctional facilities, Austin State School, and multiple LTC
o Increased use of simulation integrated throughout curriculum
o Depressed economy- more individuals changing careers.
o Decreased applicant pool
o Expansion and new RN programs in the area
o Acute care agencies limiting their hiring of LVN's
o Action plan will be developed based on the data collected
Item # 6:
Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)-Program Data
Jean Ward
Level Total
Lev. 1 130
Lev. 2 132
Lev. 3 125
Lev. 4 124
Mobility: Austin/FBG 46
Total in Program 557
Projected Admission for Fall 2009-130 Students
* Spring 2009- 127
* Projected for Summer 45
* NCLEX Pass Rates - 100% for last quarter and 98.4% for 2008.
Item # 7:
ADN Curriculum
Jean Ward
* RNSG 1247 Started this semester- we now have med-surg in every level of the
program. Students are doing well with the change.
* New Skills- J. Ward- the program is implementing a new skill, phlebotomy. This new skill begins in the summer 2009 group.
* New content- J. Ward- we have implemented National Patient Safety Goals into each level. Some areas of focus included are: med errors, infant abductions, suicide prevention, blood transfusion, and entrapment with restraint. Students have to tie these areas to root cause analysis.
Item # 8:
Faculty Positions
Jean Ward
* New Full-Time faculty positions-currently advertised for new full-time faculty positions to be hired to start in Fall 2009
Item # 9:
ADN-Future Plans
Jean Ward
* Ground breaking for Round Rock Campus was in February. Campus projected to open Fall 2010.
* Hired new Department Chair- her name is Nancy Walters, she starts in May.
* NLNAC- J. Ward would like to thank everyone for their help and assistance during NLNAC visit. E. Klein acknowledged both J. Ward and P. Recek for all their hard work in preparation and during NLNAC. Y. Van Dyke- extended gratitude for awesome jobs done.
* J. Ward was given a going away present- a climbing rose bush.
* Star Grant (Student Track and Retention Grant)- E. Klein explained Star Grant, it is used to assess incoming students. The grant uses a Houston rubrics, identifies student on a high risk scale of 45-50%. The Retention Coordinator meets with the student to develop a plan of success. The student is tracked as they go through the program. The programs have two nursing faculty and utilize the help of several former students as assistants. We are two semesters into the grant. The first cohort had very low retention. The grant ends August 2009. A meeting with the Coordinating Board and research team is scheduled to determine future funding of the program. The Coordinating Board has expressed interest in moving tuition funds to retention funds. J. Batcheller is a part of the group which is pushing for retention funding. J. Ward confirmed that regardless of funding the retention procedure will continue past August 2009.
* Pharmacology- J. Ward talked about a new Pharmacology CE course that is being developed to help in assisting student's transition from other colleges. The course would greatly increase the smooth transition from UT to ACC. The new course offers math calculations and makes up for the deficit of calculation in UT's PHRS 338 to be comparable to ACC's HPRS 2300. It will also be recommended to students who have taken a 2 hour pharmacology course at other colleges or students who would like to brush up on their calculations.
Item # 10:
Health Professions Institue/Cont. Education-Progra
Elizabeth Huss
Re-Entry Nursing online Didactic
* Several colleges are utilizing the online re-entry program including: Wetherford, Apollo, and Tyler.
* The economy is causing nurses to go back into the clinical setting.
Re-entry Nursing Statistics
Yearly Totals
Total RN LVN
2006 120 94 26
2007 160 126 34
2008 224 165 59
2009* 108 98 10
*(2 out of 6 sessions)
Monthly Totals
Jan March April June Aug Oct
2006 18 12 19 17 24 30
2007 28 26 23 19 26 38
2008 32 30 36 36 46 44
2009 46 62
(Projected 300+ students for 2009)
3 Full-time Online Instructors
Alyssa Monacelli, Wendy Pickard and Gail Roberts
Item # 11:
Re-Entry Precetorship/CE-Skills Lab
Elizabeth Huss
* There are 4 students on average placed with preceptors per month. Places are very hard to find.
* Huss asked for everyone's help in trying to locate new positions for upcoming students.
* Y. Van Dyke asked if there was a stipend or any compensation for preceptor volunteers. E. Huss responded, "No". P. Recek asked how many hours does each student need, E. Huss responded, "72 hours".
* Y. Van Dyke asked how the students were transitioning back into the workforce here. E. Huss responded that not all students are going to work here in the area. There was one student from New Zealand who is now working in med-surg in CO. The biggest area of re-entry has been home healthcare and hospice.
* N. Almasy asked how students hear about the re-entry program, E. Huss responded, mostly word of mouth, BON, and hospitals.
Skills Lab
* Huss stated the lab has been extremely busy. The lab is open to the public every other month to refresh skills. Last opening there was 32 students attending.
* 4 Skills Lab Instructors/day- Stacy Dudley, Yolanda Hall, Beth Quick, Gena Roberts, Ronda Mackey, Tangia (TJ) Adams
* J. Minnick asked what the requirements were for lab instructors, E. Huss responded they only need an RN license.
* E. Huss is corresponding with Paige about creating a simulation program. P. Recek inquired if the use of formalized simulation could be used in the required 72 hour preceptor block. E. Huss stated the actual required hours is 80 and up to 16 of those can be and if necessary are used for simulation.
Item # 12:
Clinical Facilities Update
Clinical Representatives
Acute Care:
* Seton- L. May- in June Seton will gain American College of Surgeons Level 1 Trauma status.
* St. David's-P. Ellisor stated that they are embarking on electronic Desktop EMAR Meditech module- St. David's RR going live. J. Minnick said several ACC instructors had contacted her about training. She asked who the contact people were: UT= P. Carter, ACC= J. Ward and P. Recek.
* Central Texas Medical Center- L. Cameron stated they are completely electronic with upgrades occurring. CPOE by 2010, the only paper in the charts as of now is the doctor's orders. This is a Joint Commission year, they are getting ready for a visit. CTMC has also employed 4 re-entry nurses w/in the last four months.
* Other- P. Recek raised the concern regarding the length of time it takes to train students on new programs vs. the actual length of clinical time. Too much time is spent on training and then it depletes a substantial amount of valuable learning time. If a student has a four day rotation at Dell and two of those are spent learning EMAR that only leaves two days for clinical learning. L. Cameron suggested incorporating regulatory issues into curriculum. Also, possibly a bridge program for learning programs to include students recording on paper then the paper is scanned into the system. Once in the system the instructor and lead nurse would check and follow up. P. Ellisor was concerned because there is a lot of documentation reported in certain fields within the program and then those designated fields are pulled when running reports. Y. Van Dyke suggested that all educators meet together to see what potential there is to create or incorporate new programs.
Long Term Care: no report
Mental Health/Illness: T. Couch- ASH loves having students. They have hired ACC graduates in recent months and are currently sponsoring 2 LVNs for Mobility. There are currently major ADA renovations taking place on the patio so post conference spaces are limited. Recently conducted an open house, there were 30 walkins for 2 vacancies. She offered a suggestion of more focus in CE for CNAs in the area of psych. The hospital is expecting Joint Commission any day.
ASH also has a Star Grant; it is focused on getting away from restraint seclusion. The grant was awarded to four mental health hospitals in Texas. ASH is currently focusing greatly on transforming the culture of care. They believe it is a partnership between patients, families, and community.
The hospital is going to a new Medimar in May.
Community: L. May asked J. Ward about where in the program is OR rotations. J. Ward responded in level 2. CE used to offer as an elective, concern was expressed that there needs to be more of the OR rotations throughout the program.
E. Klein stated that we would need to produce a Needs Assessment to see if it was necessary. Y. Van Dyke said that Mobility Track allows surg-techs. E. Klein confirmed that the Mobility program enrolls licensed individuals. L. May interjected that there needs to be more oversight of activity with students.
E. Klein introduced a new section of the Radiology program; they will begin offering MRI training this fall. The announcement will be sent to Y. Van Dyke and G. Acuna.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)