A motion was made to approve the agenda by Colleen Mullins, seconded by Elizabeth Huss. Agenda approved.
Item # 2:
Approval of Minutes from the November 2006 meeting
J. Ward
Motion was made by J. Ward to approve the minutes of the November 2006 meeting with one typographical correction. Seconded by Elizabeth Huss.
Item # 3:
Continuing Education Program Updates
E. Huss
1. Re-Entry Nursing Update-The class has filled up the last two times it has been offered with 24 students in each class. A large number of Vocational Nursing students who are seeking to re-enter into the profession have registered. This course is offered online, the course is currently being updated with additional content such as specialty topics, and CE modules being added as appropreate. A two day skils lab developed from this course is being used by non re-entry nurses to update their basic clincial skills.
2. CE is currently offering an IV class every three months because the demand has been so high. Every class that is offered fills up fast.
3. Updates on CE Offerings
a. The Associate Degree and CE will be holding the annual nurse externship for students to take this summer. We have a lot of student who are interested in taking this course for the extra clinical experience.
b. CNA/ESL Course-This course combines English as a seond language with Nurse Aide course content so students can learn English and work toward their Nurse Aide Certificate at the same time. This training may be appropriate for immigrant healthcare workers who need to practice both their English and their basic clinical skills.
4. Grants
a. DOL Nursing Grant Update (SNAP) Is due to end in May. This program created a fast track for new graduate nurses to move into Critial Care settings.
b. Texas Workforce Commission-Completed. CE exceeded its goals regarding the number of people trained during this grant. Because of the nature of the training that was offered, ACC-CE was able to have a much lower cost per person trained.
c. Robert Woods Johnson grant-designed to create a career path for front-line healthcare workers (clinical assistants, patient access representatives, unit secretary/clerks in the Seton and St. David's hospitals. This is a three year grant that involves ACC working out a way to award credit for work experience.
5. Nursing Cont. Education Providership-The ACC providership was renewed for an additional three years. This program has trained both through classroom and conferences over 2800 nurses. This is an independent student course consisting of 212.
2. Projected Admission for Fall 2007
3. Graduates
-Spring 2007-98
-Summer 2007-53
4. NCLEX-RN Pass Rate-96.88%
Item # 5:
Asso. Degree Nursing-Curriculum Update
J. Ward
-Summer Course Offerings-ACC will be offering all RNSG courses this summer to allow students to graduate from the program in an accelerated period.
-NLNAC-The program faculty is currently working in preparation for the NLNAC accrediation visit in Fall 2008-writing the Self Study, examining program policies etc.
Item # 6:
ADN-Faculty Positions
Jean Ward
* Need for Adjunct Faculty:
With the increase in enrollment and lower attrition, the program needs an additional 3 adjunct faculty for the Fall semester. See brochure and share with our facilities.
* New Full-time faculty positions
ACC is currently advertising for new full-time faculty positions to be hired to start in summer or fall 2007.
* Clinical Teaching Assistance-This position was created to aid the faculty in overseeing the distribution of medications with students. Allowing the faculty to get back to working with the students on their skills and critical thinking etc. verses just overseeing the students distribution medications.
Item # 7:
Jean Ward
Nursing Lab: Equipment Needs: Sequential Compression Device's- Used
The School is attempting to order the same equipment and supplies used in the hospitals so some of our faculty might be asking for product #'s etc
Future Plans-An "Articulation Agreement" is almost completed between the ACC-ADN program and UT's-BSN program. Jeanie Ward and Pat Carter have been working together to get this accomplished.
Pat Carter, Asst. Dean UT School of Nursing- updated the group on new programs at UT – one being an Adult Health MSN program which will include an educator track and a Clinical Manager option at the Master's level.
All of these endeavors assist students in continuing their education after obtaining an ADN.
Item # 8:
Vocational Nursing-Curriculum Issues
Pat Recek
Faculty "Brainstorming Session" prioritized areas for review in curriculum.
Survey conducted of VNG programs in Texas related to types of prerequisite courses required. Looking to see if English Comp I is required as a prerequisite.
Pat Recek asked if any of the hospitals have collected data on what the ten most common diagnosis patients are being treated for in their facilities. This information would help the programs work with the students regarding care plans etc.. The Hospital will send the data to the Pat Recek.
Y. VanDyke suggested that possibly a representative from the hospital might be added to each programs curriculum committee's or a possible yearly update given to faculty regarding patient safety updates.
Pat Recek also informed the committee that Stacy Dudley will no long be working as our nursing skills lab manager but has been hired as an full-time faculty member for the Vocational Nursing program. Stacy position will be posted soon. The nursing department has also asked for another full-time skills lab assistant to help in the nursing skills lab.
In addition, Kristy Phillips the compliance officer who deals with all the immunizations and background checks will be leaving in less the two weeks. This position requires a BSN in nursing.
Eileen Klein interjected that it is possible that the nursing department will be hiring another Nurse tutor for the Fall 2007 semester
Item # 9:
Vocational Nursing-ACAP Update
Pat Recek
-Conducted Feb. 9, 2007
-Acute care presentatives were unable to participate at the last minute. Others gave perspective from acute care experiences in the pass.
Item # 10:
Clinical Facilities Update
Hospital Representatives
St. Davids: L. Ondrej reported that St. David's is growing and expanding with the addition of Georgetown to their healthcare partnership.
Seton Family of Hospitals: C. Mullins informed the committee that Seton is growing again. The hospital system is always looking for more nurses and staff.
Leah May told the committee that Brackenridge just completed Magnet certification. Brackenridge currently has a very enthusiastic nurse recruiter and a group of nurses working to team up all new graduates with a seasoned nurse, so that we have good fits on all units.
Robert Walsh added that Children's will be moving on June 30. This is going to be a huge culture shock for the staff who are use to working in confined space to finally be able to spread out.
ACC and UT can arrange for a tour of the new building for their faculty and students. Children's has hired 21 new graduates over the last few months to help staff the new facility.
Central Texas: No Representation
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)