NCLEX-RN Pass Rate:
95.65% pass rate for the third quarter of 2005
96.30% pass rate for the fourth quarter of 2006
Item # 2:
ADN Application Process Revision
Jean Ward
All student must apply during each admission cycle. Ranking list will be new with each cycle.
Item # 3:
ADN Software Purchases
Jean Ward
New online software was purchased and made available to all students in the program.
The programs were from PDS and HESI. The software was mainly case studies covering med-surg, pediatric, obstetric, and mental health disorders. These case studies were selected to assist the student in critical thinking.
Item # 4:
ADN Nursing Lab
Jean Ward
-Purchased new equipment several new pieces of equipment have been purchased, and our new Simulation Coordinator Buffy Allen is training all the faculty and students on the use of all equipment in the lab.
-All four levels of our faculty were to develop a simulation lab day for their students. The faculty will showcase their simulation during a faculty workday in the Spring to all faculty.
Item # 5:
ADN Grants/MOU
Jean Ward
-FasTrack the first cohort of 30 students graduated in December, the second cohort of 19 students will graduate in May and the last cohort of 20 students will graduate in August.
-The MOU with Texas Tech second degree program continues-9 graduates from the Central Texas area in December. New group which began this spring has 19 students enrolled.
Item # 6:
ADN Faculty Positions
Jean Ward
The program will be interviewing for Full-time faculty positions this spring to begin Fall 2006.
Item # 7:
ADN Future Plans
Jean Ward
-Offering m ore nursing courses this summer semester. 63 student willl rotate through OB and Pedi this Summer.
-Joint NLN accreditation in 2008. Making preparations now.
-Need to adjunct faculty
-Advanced placement-advanced placement of ACC LVN student into the ADN Program
-Mobility Track program-approval of other disciplines into the ADN program.
NLCLEX-PN Results: The VNG program maintained a 98% pass rate on the NCLEX-PN in 2005.
Item # 9:
-VNGEmployment of Graduates
Pat Recek
Graduates surveys sent six months after completion indicate the following placement for graduates (Return rate is poor.)
55% long term care
18% clinics
18% Psychiatric facilities
Concerns: Support of GVN and newly licensed LVN and LTC students report that they are placed in situation with minimal support; orientation times range from 2 days to 2-3 weeks.
The Vocational Nursing program does an observational experience in the last semester in LTC to give the students a glimse of the real role of the LVN in LTC.
Pat Recek asked if a post graduateion course could be developed by CE addressing topics very specific to LTC-MDS and TILE.
Kristin Krasnowski (VNG Graduate) asked if more content could be devoted to thes topics while in LVN school. Pat Recek responded that it was important that content relevent to NCLEX ramin the focus for the program.
Item # 10:
Vocational Nursing Curriculum Issues
Pat Recek
Online offerings: VNSG 1115; each course in every level incorporated the use of online components into their class during the spring and fall 2005 semesters.
VNSG 1115 is offered online for the Vocational Nursing program. If a student already has Microbiology, they are given a waiver from this course. Some students do have difficulty with this course because of their lack of computer skills.
Item # 11:
Vocational Nursing Future Plans
Pat Recek
Simulation Coordinator-Buffy Allen, her role is to help faculty integrate simulation into their courses.
Mary Murphy and Pat Recek were awarded an innovation grant and are trained as Master DDST II trainers. Students in the pediatric rotation will be trained as DDST II screeners and will conduct assessment on select groups of children at the ACC Lab School as part of their accreditation standards. This offers VNG students increased opportunities to develop knowledge of growth and development.
Ms. Murphy and Ms. Recek will be able to train other faculty as programs look for additional appropriate clinical experiences.
Marti Rickel and Kris Benton were awarded a grant for using peer mentors for VNG students. Senior level students are paired with Level 1 students identified as high risk; the goal is increased feelings of support by mentees, mutal feelings or positive bonding by mentees and mentors, and increased critical thinking skills by mantees (hopefully leading to increased retention.)
Item # 12:
Continueing Education Program Updates
Elizabeth Huss
Re-Entry Nursing Update-
(Austin and Virtual College) We are seeing a tremendous growth in this program, with over 100 students served over the last two semesters. Through Virtual College we have students from all over the country. The student is hired by a local hospital in their area that agrees to train them in the skills required.
DOL Nursing Grant Updates-Currently there is an opening for a SNAP grant coordinator. Currently about 75 students have come through this program.
Update on CE Offerings-
Over 1200 student received CEU's through CE in 2005. Wound Care IV-CD
Advanced Training with the Georgetown area for diabetes training.
Currently, ACC is waiting on a response from China about the nurse exchange program.
Austin Community College
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, Texas
512.223.4ACC (4222)