Vanessa Lazo presented the minutes from the October 6, 2017 meeting.
Action taken: The minutes were approved with no changes.
Item # 2:
II. Announcements
Vanessa Lazo Lazo announced that three of our department’s students had received scholarships to study abroad. Luiza Daude Laurents and Theo Warner will study in Russia, and Penelope Stuart will study in Morocco.
. Vanessa Lazo thanked Richar
Item # 3:
III. Discussion of Evaluation Process
Matthew Daude Laurents suggested including class visits by peers as part of the evaluation process to help faculty share ideas and grow as instructors. He explained that we currently confuse two evaluation processes: a) summative (what we know about
Item # 4:
IV. Reserve Materials at Libraries
Mary Havens Mary Havens, the librarian responsible for Foreign Languages, distributed lists of materials on reserve for each language, and she pointed out that materials may remain on reserve for only one year. She asked to have one person in charge
Item # 5:
V. Distance and Alternative Learning
Erasmus Eddae summarized the services offered through his office for Distance and Alternative Learning. They can assist with creating courses or full online degrees. They also provide information on compliance with SACS, federal, or state requirement
Item # 6:
.VI. Effective Learning Course
John McMinn-Reyna discussed a proposal to allow students to count HUMA 1301 Great Questions Seminar as an option in addition to EDUC 1100 for the college preparedness course. Students who take HUMA 1301 Great Questions Seminar as their Language, Phil
Item # 7:
VII. Committee Reports
Vanessa Lazo
Item # 7:
Committee Reports Continued
a. Adjunct Faculty Evaluation
Evaluation summaries for all Adjunct Instructors have been completed and were turned in by the deadline to the Dean’s office. They will be sending the forms to instructors according to their schedule. The transit
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