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What is the ACC Meetings and Minutes online repository? Who can use the site? How do I find the site? What/who is a committee administrator? I am a committee administrator. How do I log in to manage committee information? I believe I should have access to administer a committee, but I don't. What should I do? I am new to using this site. I tried to log in but the log in failed. Why? I was able to log in, but I don't see my committee listed. What should I do? How can I add additional committee administrators? I'm not sure who has access to update my committee. How do I find out the current administrators? What happened to the old site? I had access to the 'old' Committee/Program Minutes site. Will I be able to access this new site? Why was the repository rewritten? When should I begin using this new repository site? How do I request a new committee be added to the listings? I need help using this site. What resources are available to me? I don't see my committee listed in the Committee Listings. Why not? Why do I have to activate my committee? Who do I contact for help on this site? What is the ACC Meetings and Minutes online repository? Who can use the site? How do I find the site? What/who is a committee administrator? I am a committee administrator. How do I log in to manage committee information? I believe I should have access to administer a committee, but I don't. What should I do? I am new to using this site. I tried to log in but the login failed. Why? I was able to log in, but I don't see my committee listed. What should I do? How can I add additional committee administrators? I'm not sure who has access to update my committee. How do I find out the current administrators? How do I request a new committee be added to the listings? I need help using this site. What resources are available to me? I don't see my committee listed in the Committee Listings. Why not? Why do I have to activate my committee? What happened to the old site? |
Austin Community College 5930 Middle Fiskville Rd. Austin, Texas 78752-4390 512.223.4ACC (4222) |
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