Product Design

Product Design


Credit Fall 2021
08/23/2021 - 12/12/2021

Course Information

Section 002
Distance Learning
Molly McClurg

Section 002
Molly McClurg

Office Hours

  • M W
    2 - 4
    Online via Google Meet
    Office hours will be held virtually via Google Meet. Please email for the Meet link.

  • T Th
    4pm - 5pm
    Online via Google Meet
    Office hours will be held virtually via Google Meet. Please email for the Meet link.
  • T W Th
    10a - noon
    By Appointment
    Office hours will be held virtually via Google Meet. Please email for the Meet link.

Course Requirements

**Calendar subject to change. Your professor will update you via blackboard of any changes or special circumstances. Please refer to Blackboard for more details and information.


Competency 1

Discussion #1 - Why Product Design?

Project #1 - Product Lifecycle Research


Competency 2

Discussion #2 - Org Structures

Discussion #3 - Product Team Roles

Project #2 - Org Structure Research

Retro #1 - Org Structure + Lifecycle learnings for job search


Competency 3

Discussion #4 - Usability Heuristics + Biz Requirements

Project #3 - Conduct and Analyze Heuristic Evaluation

Retro #2 - Conducting a Heuristic Evaluation


Competency 4

Discussion #6 - Group Retro on Client Presentation

Project #4 - Client Presentation

Retro #3 - Client Presentation


Competency 5

Project #5 - Design Documentation + Email Handoff

Retro #4 - Design Handoff


Competency 6

Discussion #7 - UX Metrics + Heart

Project #6 - UX Metrics based redesign

Retro #5 - UX Metric Redesign




  • There is no required textbook, but there are required readings and videos

  • Refer to Blackboard for all assigned readings


Online Resources

  • All online resources will be shared via Blackboard

  • (not required but available to you as a design student at ACC for $10/semester) An account with Adobe Creative Cloud. You can begin your account ID process here.


  • MIRO app will be used (info in Blackboard orientation)

  • Sketchbook (any kind will do, I recommend a “dot grid” sketchbook though!)

  • Dark pen and/or sharpie

Course Subjects

Instruction in product design and product management methods. Exploration of techniques used to lead an iterative design process within a business. Learn about office best practices, problem and product validation through research and the process for setting and tracking actionable metrics. Students will build public speaking and team leadership skills.


In this course, we'll be exploring the intersection of design and business, also known as product design. We will re-consider everything you've learned up until this point in your design education from the perspective of:

  • the business that employs you as a designer

  • the other people with other jobs at the business that employs you

  • the client that hired you for design services

We'll think about and practice how to do our job as UX Designers while considering both the end users AND the people that we work with and for.


There may be concepts you've never heard of in this class; there may be topics you couldn't care less about because - business? - boring! You don't have to be an expert in these topics, but considering your clients, your non-designer teammates, and your bosses empathetically by considering their goals, needs, and points of view will make you better in a UX Design job.


Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

What you’ll learn to do by the end of this course: 


  1. Surveyed the role of businesses, organization structures, and product teams to the job of product design;

  2. Analyzed and identified stages of a product life-cycle;

  3. Practiced a process for utilizing heuristic evaluations to guide stakeholder conversations; 

  4. Designed and applied metrics to measure success of product designs.