System Analysis and Design: Project Management

System Analysis and Design: Project Management


Credit Spring 2020
02/17/2020 - 05/17/2020

Course Information

Section 002
Distance Learning
Karina Hernandez

Office Hours

  • M W
    1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
    NRG4 4243
    An appointment is needed to meet instructor during office hours. Please send email to instructor to confirm your appointment day/time
  • M W
    8:30 am - 9:00 am
    RRC 2220
    An appointment is needed to meet instructor during office hours. Please send email to instructor to confirm your appointment day/time
  • T Th
    8:30 am - 9:00 am
    HLC 1215.07
    An appointment is needed to meet instructor during office hours. Please send email to instructor to confirm your appointment day/time


The Blackboard course access for this class will be available to students starting 02/17/2020 (First day of class). 

Once the BB course for this class is available, students must complete "mandatory" orientation (found under "Welcome - Start Here" module in BB) within first week of class (02/17/2020-02/23/2020) to be counted as "Attending" and to get access to all content material in this course (Competency modules, Assignments and Assessments). 

Course Description:  This course is designed to instruct the student in the essential concepts of Project Management as it applies to Computer Science Information Technology projects as well as Business projects in general. This course includes a comprehensive introduction to the different Project Management Knowledge areas and their relationship to the Project Management Process Groups.

Pre-requisite:  B-Reading and Math.

Instructional Methodology:  This course will be taught over the Internet. The course material will be covered in reading assignments from the textbook supplemented by some online materials. Students will need to complete programming assignments on their own computer, or they will need to visit one of the Computer Studies open labs. Exams will be administered in the ACC Testing Centers.

Course Rationale:  This course is designed as a capstone course to teach students to utilize project management techniques in the execution of small, medium and large projects that involve all of the technical skills relative to and inclusive of all Computer Science and business related activities.

Student Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives

Course Objectives / Learning Outcomes:  Apply project management best practices, objectives, processes, tools and techniques.

  1. Complete projects that require the integration of project management principles through team work, meeting scheduled milestones, utilization of presentation, writing and communications skills.
  2. Analyze real project cases; develop complete project documents i.e. plans, reports, financials etc.
  3.  Summarize and evaluate project and people performance while exploiting project management concepts.
  4. Develop hands-on experience with basic word processing; spread sheet and power point tools in addition to Microsoft Project.

SCANS (Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills):

Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS): In 1989, the U.S. Department of Labor education jointly surveyed U.S. employers to find out the most important skills and competencies needed by workers. The results of that survey identified SCANS (Secretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills). These are skills that employers need the most from their workers. SCANS skills are the predictors of success in workplace. The following is a list of SCAN competencies identified in this course. For expanded definitions of the listed SCANS, please go to:

The following list summarizes the SCANS competencies addressed in this particular course:

SCANS Competencies for BCIS 2390
1. Manages Time
2.1 Participates as a member of a Team
3.1 Acquires and Evaluates Information
3.2 Organizes and Maintains Information
3.3 Uses Computers to Process Information
4.2 Monitors and Corrects Performance
5.2 Applies Technology to Task
6.1 Reading
6.2 Writing
6.3 Arithmetic
6.4 Mathematics
6.5 Listening
7.3 Problem Solving
7.4 Mental Visualization
7.5 Knowing How To Learn
7.6 Reasoning
8.1 Responsibility
8.2 Self-Esteem
8.3 Sociability
8.4 Self-Management
8.5 Integrity/Honesty



Approved Textbook:

Information Technology Project Management – 9th Edition
By Kathy Schwalbe – ISBN – 9781337101356

Course Requirements

Grading will be based on evaluation of concepts and their practical application. Exams, lab/discussion board assignments, practice quizzes and a final “team” project will be part of the grade. An overall grade will be assigned based on the following:

Labs  20%
Practice Quizzes 5%
Discussion Board Assignments 10%
Exams (3) 45%
Final Project 20%
TOTAL 100%

Final grade will be assigned following this grading scale:

90% - 100% A
80% - 89% B
70% - 79% C
60% - 69% D
0% - 59% F

Every assignment and exam has a due date (see “Course Information” module in Blackboard or corresponding assignment link). Assignments are due at 11:59 PM on their corresponding due date and must be submitted through Blackboard. Instructor will not accept e-mailed submissions.

Late Labs assignments will NOT be accepted after its corresponding due date. After the due date:
  • quizzes/labs/assignment links are automatically removed from Blackboard
  • it won’t be possible to submit a quiz/assignment/lab solution
  • grade in quiz/assignment/lab will automatically become 0 (zero).

Any scheduling of computer time needed if using ACC CIT open computer labs is the students’ responsibility. Availability of computers is NOT an excuse for being late with any assignment.

All assignments are typically graded within one week after the assignment due date. Grades are recorded in Blackboard and may be accessed via the My Grades button.

There are NO makeup exams or extra credit assignments given in this course. 


Course Orientation

To get access to all content material in this class (Competency modules, Assignments and Assessments), you need to complete the requirements listed in the mandatory orientation module “WELCOME-Start Here!” in Blackboard. Course orientation must be completed during the first week of class.

Attendance / Withdrawal

Students who do not complete mandatory course orientation (“***Start here***” module in BB) and do not contact the instructor during the first week of class (02/17/2020 - 02/23/2020) will be withdrawn from the class and reported as “Never attended” and will be ineligible for financial aid.

Students are expected to regularly monitor their ACC email and this class Blackboard site to keep up with the course schedule. Students who do not comply with course policies may be withdraw from the class. It is the student’s responsibility to complete a Withdrawal Form in the Admissions Office if they wish to withdraw from this class. The last date to withdraw for this semester is April 27th, 2020. It is not the responsibility of the instructor to withdraw the students from their class even though the instructor has the prerogative to do so under the above listed circumstances.

Important Note: State law allows only 6 withdrawals per student in the entire undergraduate degree no matter how many colleges you attend. This applies to students who entered college in Fall 2007 or later. Please see the Counseling / Student Services offices if you have questions about this law


A student may receive a temporary grade of “I” (Incomplete) at the end of the semester only if ALL of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The student is unable to complete the course during the semester due to circumstances beyond their control.
  2. The student must have earned at least half of the grade points needed for a “C” by the end of the semester.
  3. The request for the grade must be made in person at the instructor’s office and necessary documents completed.
  4. To remove an “I”, the student must complete the course by two weeks before the end of the following semester.  Failure to do so will result in the grade automatically reverting to an “F”.


All College e-mail communication to students will be sent solely to the student’s ACCmail account, with the expectation that such communications will be read in a timely fashion. ACC will send important information and will notify you of any college related emergencies using this account. Students should only expect to receive email communication from their instructor using this account. Likewise, students should use their ACCmail account when communicating with instructors and staff.

The ACC online Blackboard system and the ACCmail accounts will be used as the official communication systems during this semester.  All course material, announcements, changes to course schedule/assignments and grades will be posted on Blackboard. Students are expected to check both Blackboard and their ACCmail accounts on a regular basis (at least twice a week). Student emails from non-ACC accounts will not be acknowledged.

When emailing instructor, you must include your course id (BCIS 2390) AND section number in the “Subject” field (e.g., BCIS 2390-002: need help with lab1 assignment)

For information on how to log onto Blackboard and ACCmail please visit the following sites:

Students are also encouraged to take advantage of Discussion board forums, and FAQ module in Blackboard. In the Q&A forum, you can post questions and comments of general interest so that everyone can benefit from the discussion. FAQ module provides a collection of “common knowledge” and tips for this class. Most of them are the result of the instructor’s “lessons learned” repository from previous sessions.

Other questions, such as questions about your grades, should be sent directly to the instructor. Students are encouraged to ask questions. The instructor knows that some material may be difficult to grasp at times and will be glad to give additional examples or one-to-one assistance when asked.

Even though this is an online class, instructor is available for face-to-face meetings during office hours or by appointment.


You must have access to a computer with Internet connection and Microsoft Project Professional 2016 or you may also use the computers in any ACC CIT open computer labs.

Students enrolled in this class have access to free Microsoft Project Professional and other Microsoft development and operating system software through the Microsoft Azure for Education program.

Instructions to activate your Microsoft Azurefor Education  account can be found in this class “MS Project Orientation” module in Blackboard.

Class progress

In this course students can pace themselves to work at an accelerated pace (Accelerated Programmer Training). The lab assignments can be turned in earlier than the due dates listed in the schedule.

Students are expected to keep up with the schedule of the class and demonstrate progress as they engage in each of the competencies outlined for this course. Each new concept builds on previous concepts and regular progress through the material is crucial to success on exams and assignments.

It is going to be difficult to catch up if you fall behind. If you feel you are falling behind, reach out to instructor PROMPTLY, to find ways to get you back on track. If you wait, the only viable option is likely to be dropping or withdrawing from the class.


Students are expected to complete lab assignments and a final project to get experience and practice with the concepts and techniques covered in the course.

Adequate amount of time needs to be set to complete lab assignments and to not get behind. You will need at least 3 hours per practical assignment and 3 hours per competency assessment. If an assignment is taking longer than expected to complete and you are struggling, reach out to instructor for guidance. You are not alone! Time is valuable and critical! Use it wisely!

10% of your total grade in this class is allocated to Discussion Board participation. Around week 11th of this Spring 2019 session, under Discussion Board (menu on the left in Blackboard) you will find a PM Discussion Questions (Graded) board with several threads where you can contribute/reply as you wish to. You don't have to contribute to all of them but you are more than welcome to do so. You must target to have at least two (2) entries, each of them in different threats. 
Your contributions should be based on your own personal experiences/understanding/perspective in the topic under discussion.
Quizzes are available for each competency to help you validate your own understanding in the corresponding competency under study. You have unlimited attempts on each quiz and credit is given by the number of quizzes attempted/completed.

The final project assignment is a “Team” project assignment. Given a project case scenario, each team needs to develop a project management plan solution to address that project current situation/challenges. It counts 20% of your final grade distributed between project deliverables, and peer review evaluation. 

Exams (Competency Assessments)

The material covered in each chapter of the textbook builds on material covered in previous chapters. Exams will cover material from the textbook and supplemental material from the class Blackboard site.

All exams will be administered at an ACC Testing Center. Testing facilities are located at all major campuses and are open throughout the week. Check the current schedule for the testing facility you wish to use. Allow at least two hours for each exam.

You may bring one (1) page (8.5 x 11" maximum) of notes for each exam (handwritten or typed). You may write on one side only. The notes will be attached to the test and sent to the instructor, so you will want to make a copy before you take the exam. Exams will be graded in Blackboard. If you want to review and discuss the test with the instructor you may do so by scheduling an appointment with the instructor. Exams are not returned to the student.

Each exam due date (last day exam available in Blackboard/Testing centers) is posted in the Course Schedule section in this document and in Blackboard (“Course Information” module). Failing to take any of the exams will lead to a grade of 0 in the corresponding exam which may jeopardize successful completion of this course.

Competency Assessments (Exams) Availability

Every exam availability has been set-up with the following Blackboard “Adaptive release” rule:

“User has at least one attempt for this item. An attempt is recorded in the Grade Center when the user submits the Assignment, or when a grade is entered or edited.”

For the Exams “this item” refers to all the lab assignments related to that competency AND the corresponding previous Assessment:


Required Assignments/Assessment

Competency 1 Assessment

Orientation Quiz AND Lab1 AND Lab2 AND Lab3 AND Lab4

Competency 2 Assessment

Competency 1 Assessment AND

Lab5 AND Lab6 AND Lab7 AND Lab8 AND Lab9

Competency 3 Assessment

Competency 2 Assessment AND

Lab10 AND Lab11 AND Lab12 AND Lab13  


Academic Integrity

A student attending ACC assumes responsibility for conduct compatible with the mission of the college as an educational institution. Students have the responsibility to submit coursework that is the result of their own thought, research, or self-expression. Students must follow all instructions given by faculty or designated college representatives when taking examinations, placement assessments, tests, quizzes, and evaluations. Actions constituting scholastic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, collusion, and falsifying documents.

See the Student Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Process.

All submitted work must be the work of the student and (for group assignments) the group members. Students may not share assignment solutions, except within their group on team project assignments. Students may not use solutions from the web. Students must not publicly post their assignment solutions/exams or make it available (e.g. via GitHub), even after the course is over. Students may share it privately with recruiters, provided students make clear it must not be redistributed.

Any detected cases of cheating or violation of the academic integrity rules described in this syllabus, in the current Student Policies Handbook and in the Student Standards of Conduct document will be pursued.

For this course, penalties include: receiving a zero on the assignment (first offense), failing the course (second offense), having a note placed in your permanent academic record, suspension, and ultimately expulsion.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students at the college have the rights accorded by the U.S. Constitution to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, petition, and association. These rights carry with them the responsibility to accord the same rights to others in the college community and not to interfere with or disrupt the educational process. Opportunity for students to examine and question pertinent data and assumptions of a given discipline, guided by the evidence of scholarly research, is appropriate in a learning environment. This concept is accompanied by an equally demanding concept of responsibility on the part of the student. As willing partners in learning, students must comply with college rules and procedures.

Statement on Students with Disabilities Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented disabilities. Students with disabilities who need classroom, academic or other accommodations must request them through the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) offices on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes/exams. Students are encouraged to request accommodations when they register for courses or at least three weeks before the start of the semester, otherwise the provision of accommodations may be delayed (Refer to the current ACC Student Policies Handbook). Students who have received approval for accommodations from SAS for this course must provide the instructor with the ‘Notice of Approved Accommodations’ from SAS before accommodations will be provided. Arrangements for academic accommodations can only be made after the instructor receives the ‘Notice of Approved Accommodations’ from the student. Students with approved accommodations are encouraged to submit the ‘Notice of Approved Accommodations’ to the instructor at the beginning of the semester because a reasonable amount of time may be needed to prepare and arrange for the accommodations.

Safety Statement Austin Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. You are expected to learn and comply with ACC environmental, health and safety procedures and agree to follow ACC safety policies. Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar with the Emergency Procedures poster and Campus Safety Plan map in each classroom. Additional information about safety procedures and how to sign up to be notified in case of an emergency can be found at

Please note, you are expected to conduct yourself professionally with respect and courtesy to all. Anyone who thoughtlessly or intentionally jeopardizes the health or safety of another individual will be immediately dismissed from the day’s activity, may be withdrawn from the class, and/or barred from attending future activities.

ACC Distance Learning Support Services

The “Help For Distance Learning Students” page contains support links and reference information that students need to successfully complete a Distance Learning course.

Testing Center Policy

For testing center policies and guidelines check following link: Testing Center Guidelines


Free tutoring is provided for this course both on line and face-to-face.  For online schedules and details please refer to Tutoring Schedule site.

Student and Instructional Services

ACC strives to provide exemplary support to its students and offers a broad variety of opportunities and services. Information on these services and support systems is available here. Links to many student services and other information can be found at Current Students. ACC Learning Labs provide free tutoring services to all ACC students currently enrolled in the course to be tutored. The tutor schedule for each Learning Lab may be found here. For help setting up your ACCeID, ACC Gmail, or ACC Blackboard, see a Learning Lab Technician at any ACC Learning Lab.

Freedom of Expression Policy

It is expected that faculty and students will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions.

Student Files – Privacy

The information that a student stores in his/her student volume in the Computer Studies Labs may be viewed by their instructor for educational and academic reasons.

Concealed Handgun Policy

ACC faculty may notify students in their classes or learning environment about the Texas Campus Carry law taking effect at Austin Community College (and other Texas community colleges) on August 1, 2017. The following is recommended syllabus language, approved by legal counsel and the college. For courses including ACC-sponsored field activities, language is still being drafted.

The Austin Community College District concealed handgun policy ensures compliance with Section 411.2031 of the Texas Government Code (also known as the Campus Carry Law), while maintaining ACC’s commitment to provide a safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Beginning August 1, 2017, individuals who are licensed to carry (LTC) may do so on campus premises except in locations and at activities prohibited by state or federal law, or the college’s concealed handgun policy.

It is the responsibility of license holders to conceal their handguns at all times. Persons who see a handgun on campus are asked to contact the ACC Police Department by dialing 222 from a campus phone or 512-223-7999.

Refer to the concealed handgun policy online.


·      All public Texas colleges and universities must abide by the law.

·      Private institutions may opt out of implementing the law.

·      The concealed campus carry law does not allow open carry on campus.

·      A person must have a License to Carry a Handgun (LTC).

·      A person must be at least 21 to obtain a LTC, unless he/she is active duty military or a police officer.

·      Faculty and staff do not have authority to ban handguns from classrooms.

·      Campus carry laws exist in eight states (Texas, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Mississippi, Kansas, Oregon, and Wisconsin).

·      Licensed gun owners have been allowed to carry concealed handguns on public campuses (but not in buildings) for 20 years.


Course Subjects

  •     Introduction to Project Management
  •     Project Management in the Information Technology Context
  •     Project Integration Management
  •     Project Stakeholder Management
  •     Project Scope Management
  •     Project Time Management
  •     Project Cost Management
  •     Project Quality Management
  •     Project Human Resource Management
  •     Project Communications Management
  •     Project Risk Management
  •     Project Procurement Management








Due Date



Course Orientation

Orientation Quiz &

MS Project Orientation



Introduction to Project Management

Chapter 1

Quiz 1

Lab 1




Project Management & Information Technology

Chapter 2

Quiz 2

Lab 2




Project Management

Process Groups

Chapter 3

Quiz 3

Lab 3




Project Integration Management

Chapter  4

Quiz 4

Lab 4



Competency 1 Assessment - Competencies 1.1-1.4

Due Date (last day assessment available in Blackboard/Testing Centers): Sunday, March 15th, 2020




Project Stakeholder Management

Chapter 13

Quiz 5

Lab 5




Project Scope Management

Chapter 5

Quiz 6

Lab 6




Project Time Management

Chapter 6

Quiz 7

Lab 7




Project Cost Management

Chapter 7

Quiz 8

Lab 8

Final Project - starts





Project Quality Management

Chapter 8

Quiz 9

Lab 9



Competency 2 Assessment - Competencies 2.1-2.5

Due Date (last day assessment available in Blackboard/Testing Centers): Sunday, April 12th, 2020


Project Human Resource Management

Chapter 9

Quiz 10

Lab 10




Project Communications Management

Chapter 10

Quiz 11

Lab 11




Project Risk Management

Chapter 11

Quiz 12

Lab 12




Project Procurement Management

Chapter 12

Quiz 13

Lab 13



Final Project Wrap-up (05/04-05/12)

Final Project Deliverables must be posted under each Group “File Exchange” in BB

By Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 11:59pm

Competency 3 Assessment - Competencies 3.1-3.4

Due Date (last day assessment available in Blackboard/Testing Centers): Sunday, May 17th, 2020


(*)This course schedule is intended to give the student guidance in what may be covered during the semester and will be followed as closely as possible. However, the professor reserves the right to modify, supplement and make changes as the course needs arise. Students will be notified of any changes via ACC email system and Blackboard announcements.