American Literature: Civil War to the Present

Syllabus Sections

Publish Date

10/09/2018 08:37:43

American Literature: Civil War to the Present


Credit Spring 2019
01/22/2019 - 03/17/2019

Course Information

Section 012
Distance Learning
Judy Sanders

Office Hours

  • T W
    9 - noon
    RGC Attache
  • Th
    9 - 11

Course Requirements

Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points



Paper 1                        July 13


Text: Bedford Anthology of American Literature (Belasco) most recent edition

            Analyzing Short Stories (Lostracco)

Course Description:  American Literature is the study of short stories, poetry, drama and the novel.  Students will study different elements such as theme, character, conflict, setting, language, tone and sound and analyze fiction, drama and poetry by addressing these elements in the works studied. 


Student Goals and Objectives: Students will write analytical papers on short stories, poetry and a novel and take an essay quiz over selected plays in the testing center. Your analysis of all assignments in this course is based on your own thoughts and is not to be researched.


Course Objectives and Goals: Students will be able think, read and write critically. They will write clearly and coherently and be able to analyze fiction, poetry and drama for central idea, character, conflict, setting, tone, language and sound as applies to the work of literature.


Prerequisites: Students are required to show proof of credit in Composition I and Composition II by July    .  An unofficial or an official college transcript or official grade report is an accepted proof of prerequisite and can be emailed to me (see Student Online Services).  Be sure your name or ID is on transcript or grade report .Students will be withdrawn if prerequisites are lacking or not submitted by deadline.  It is students' responsibility to withdraw themselves if seeking a refund or if unable to complete the course. 


Incomplete Policy:  Incompletes are given only in cases of extreme and documented emergencies and at the discretion of the instructor.


Grades and Grading: Your grade will be based on an average of points received on three papers and one test.    Papers and test are graded on (1) thoroughness in addressing the assignment (2) insight into the work addressed in paper or test (3) grammar and organization (4) following instructions on syllabus for assignments. Points will be subtracted from 100 for omissions in any of the 4 grading criterion. You must contact me to get your grade on a paper. I require one week to grade a paper from the time I received it.


Turning papers in: Turn in papers to my office or by fax with a cover sheet containing your name, paper number and section.  All papers must be double-spaced.  Do not e-mail me papers unless you have prior permission. You may send me papers through intercampus mail, fax or leave them in my campus mailbox. It is students’ responsibility to ensure papers are submitted and received.




Scholastic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic work submitted by students shall be a result of their own thought or expression. Academic work is defined as exams and papers.

2. A faculty member who suspects academic dishonest reviews the evidence with the student.

3. If a student has taken information used in a paper from a website or another student’s paper, student will receive a grade of F in the course.


Paper l (Short Stories)


Reading assignment: In Analyzing Short Stories, read chapters1,2,3,5 and 6.

Choose any 3 short stories from American Literature (Belasco) text . Answer each question thoroughly in separate paragraphs. See paper on central idea at back of syllabus. Discuss each story separately. Paper length: 1800 words minimum. DO NOT use first person or make personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.


1 Identify story title and author in first paragraph. In approximately 100 words, summarize the story and discuss the author's main idea (general statement of author's purpose in story; see central idea discussion at back of syllabus)

2. Describe/analyze the main character; support your description with dialogue, actions and thoughts of characters. Explain how the character supports the main idea. 150 words minimum

3. Discuss the story's main conflict and resolution. The conflict is two opposing forces. Example: Tessie’s desire to live versus the community’s traditions. Be specific; do not say the conflict is man vs man. How is the conflict important to understanding the story? 100 words minimum  

4. Describe the setting (time and place) of the story. How does the author use the setting to develop the central idea or what is setting’s effect on story? 100 words minimum

5. Discuss at least two different language devices: symbol, simile, metaphor, irony, imagery (imagery does more than give a visual picture), allusion, dialect, dialogue, pattern. Discuss how the author uses language to develop the central idea. Discuss each in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and quotes when discussing language. How does each language device help develop central idea? 100 words minimum, each paragraph



Paper 2 (Poetry)

Reading assignment:  Pay particular attention to chapter on language in Lostracco text and to discussions of theme, sound, tone and imagery, figures of speech, symbolism and allusion.

Choose any 3 poems from your Literature (Belasco ) text. Answer the following questions in separate paragraphs; discuss each poem separately. NO first person or personal comments in literary analysis. No info from websites.

1800 words minimum


1. Identify poem title and author in first paragraph. Discuss the author's main theme in the poem and how he/she develops theme.  Give examples to support your answer.  Theme is a general statement of author's purpose in poem much, like the central idea in fiction. 100 words minimum

2. Discuss at least 3 different literary devices: metaphor, simile, allusion, personification, imagery (does more than give a visual picture), symbol, pattern, irony, dialect in the poem. How does each enhance meaning in the poem? Use quotes and examples in your discussion. Discuss each in SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS.  100 words minimum each paragraph

3. Discuss the tone (word describing an emotion) of the poem and how it is developed. Give specific examples of how author develops tone. What does the author do to create tone? 100 words minimum

4. Discuss the use of sound (alliteration, euphony, cacophony, rhythm, rhyme, dissonance, assonance, repetition) in the poem. Choose at least two sound devices to discuss .Do not use any of the same areas you discussed in literary devices. Discuss in SEPARATE paragraphs. Give examples and effect of each example.  Discuss how sound affects meaning in the poem. 100 words minimum, each paragraph.



Paper 3 (Novel)

Choose one novel from list below to analyze using the same 5 areas of discussion used in the short story paper. Each area of discussion (central idea, main character, conflict, setting and two different language devices) will be approximately 300 words. 1800 word minimum.  Info from websites is plagiarism.


Horseman, Pass By                             Larry McMurtry

The Last Picture Show                       Larry McMurtry

The Awakening                                  Kate Chopin

Their Eyes Were Watching God        Zora Neale Hurston                                       

Olive Kitteridge                                 Elizabeth Strout

The Optimist’s Daughter                   Eudora Welty


Drama Quiz, a short essay quiz over play, is in all ACC Testing Centers.  It must be taken by date given on schedule.  It is over Death of a Salesman. Read play thoroughly before taking quiz. The quiz will cover theme, character and conflict in each play. Quiz consists of 4 short essay questions on play; each question is worth 25 points